1. Promising Beginnings

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“Ow,” I yelled. “Could you stop sticking me?”

“Well, stop moving and I wouldn’t be sticking you,” Ash snapped. She was tailoring my prom dress and I was a little anxious. I had too much on my plate today. I had to get my prom dress fitted, I had to train with Meco, and I had to go on a date with my fiancé. I was not looking forward to the last task. The last time I’d seen him was a week after I’d agreed to marry him, and then it was for a brief minute so we could sign the agreement.

“I can’t help it, I’m just too overwhelmed lately,” I said looking down. I had a million pins in the dress that she made for me three weeks ago, but I lost some weight since then. I guess it’s from the stress. I don’t like this new me. I barely slept, I didn’t have time to eat, and I don’t look good in my jeans anymore.

“They need to stop running you ragged. They need to give you a damn vacation!” she snapped.

“Ow!” I bellowed. She’d stuck me again.

“I’m sorry Mel. So, how are you doing?” she asked. She was referring to the fact that no men in my life were talking to me right now. Ever since I agreed to marry Marvious, Jason, Ricke, and Matt haven’t said more than two words to me.

“It really sucks Ash. I knew that it was going to be bad, but I never knew they would still hate me this long,” I frowned.

“Don’t worry about it. They’re just upset, you know how men are. They can seriously hold a grudge,” she said standing up. She’d been kneeling to fix the hem.

“I know, but it just really sucks. I was acting responsible when I said yes to Marvious, and all they can see is that I decided to marry him over them. You do something to save the planet you’re going to rule and it’s a crime,” I laughed without humor.

“You did the right thing and eventually, they’ll get over it,” she laughed. Yeah, they’ll get over it, but not soon enough. Because of my unfortunate state, I didn’t have a date to prom, and it was just two short days away. Ash and I were going to just go by ourselves together, but David Coy asked her yesterday, and she said yes. So, I was going by myself, alone.

“Do you think that Jason would go with me?” I asked. All she did was snort. I knew it was a stupid idea, but I could dream couldn’t I? Jason had taken it the hardest. Even though we had to live together, he didn’t say anything to me. He didn’t even acknowledge my presence.

“You can ask, but I doubt it,” she finally said. She looked over her changes and then had me step out of the dress.

“Thanks Ash, I’ll see you tomorrow,” I said grabbing my purse.

“Don’t forget to eat Melonie. I don’t have time to take this dress in again,” she called as I walked out the door. She was right to tell me to eat. I’m pretty sure that if she hadn’t reminded me, I would’ve gone all day without food. That’s how I went from a size eight to a six in a few weeks. I wasn’t trying to starve myself to death; I just didn’t have time to eat.

 I jumped in my Bugatti, otherwise known as Ms. Steel, and drove to Las Vegas.

Thanks to Ms. Steel, I cut out about half the time I would’ve spent driving. She was fast, but very ostentatious, so I had to take back roads, which took even longer. I had to be inside the workout room at the Central Heirion Earth Headquarters, CHEH, in thirty minutes and I was at least an hour away. I stepped on the gas and the speedometer crept from 65mph, to a whopping 85. Meco hated when I was late for training.

I made it to the CHEH five minutes after I was supposed to. When I walked into the lovely platinum building I was greeted by the staff. I hastened to the workout room hoping that Meco was late, which wasn’t likely. Meco was not late for anything. When I’d opened the door to the workout room he was sitting in the middle of the blue mat with his legs crossed.

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