Thirteen - Stop Being A Dick Already

Start from the beginning

Because the charm and confidence and flirtation had me turned on. I liked it. But I was not as confident as him, I was certainly not flirty or strong, so I would just keep my feelings in check. It's not like it was my fault I liked him. He was just so nice it's not like I could help it really, he had been so good to me and he had hardly left my side since my birthday, that was so nice of him.

Lucky for me however Friday morning I was better, much better, no longer a white toned colour or dizzy every time I sat up, so they let me go. That also meant good things for Gerard, he no longer had to sit in the fucking hospital just to talk to me or help with my homework like he somehow seemed to enjoy. As strange as it sounded, to me more than anyone else I imagine, I was glad to be back in classes it was normal again, and I actually felt like I was doing something. I had spent the entire half term holiday smoking and talking pointlessly to Gerard, then I was in a fucking infirmary bed for the first week back, but finally I was out and it felt normal. It also gave me a little more confidence that just maybe I might start learning.

All morning the rest of my classmates were taking mock exams in the hall, whilst I was lucky enough to be given an extra week before I had to do mine. I was nervous that was for sure, but it was nice to have one to ones all morning with all my teachers. After missing a week of school, my four Friday morning lessons seemed to have actually caught me up completely. In fact from those lessons I had decided that I officially preferred lessons with just me. I got to just sit down and tell my teachers exactly what I didn't understand or wasn't sure about and I actually came out confidently knowing something specific I hadn't before. What surprised me most was that I came out of my maths classroom and after three years of not understanding, I finally fucking understood linear equations, like what the fuck was going on?

"Frank!" Dan exclaimed happily when I walked towards our usual table in the cafeteria with a tray in my hands. I couldn't claim I had completely got my appetite back, I hadn't I wasn't very hungry at all, but I had decided that eating is good and a plate of plain pasta wouldn't harm me.

"Hi." I smiled actually glad to be back into my social group at least there were only a few of us. Gerard smiled wider than everyone else, moving into the empty chair on his right so I could sit next to him. I smiled back at him before round at everyone then I looked down at my plate in disgust I just wasn't feeling it.

"You little fucker getting out of exams." Oli laughed rolling his eyes at me, getting a laugh from pretty much everyone in response. I just shrugged, it wasn't like it was my fault, I didn't chose to get ill, hell I fucking hated being ill but if it got me out of exams, well what could I do?

"You okay?" Gerard asked resting his hand on mine under the table for a moment before moving it when I blushed a little and he clearly realised we were surrounded by friends. I smiled at him trying to hide my blush and just nodded at him, I was okay, I mean I really wasn't hungry and the thought of eating did in fact make my stomach churn, because last time I ate it all came back up again very nastily. "You're not hungry?" He chuckled looking at me as I just stared down at my food in absolute disgust whilst everyone else was happily eating away and conversing about shit I wasn't paying attention to.

"Last time I ate it made me sick." I mused looking at him with an uncomfortable smirk, which seemed like a decent reason not to eat to me, I mean if it was going to make me vomit I would certainly refrain from eating.

"Fair enough." He shrugged, "However you have to eat at some point, just a bite?" He asked nudging me gently as he picked up a chip from his own plate biting it in front of me and smiling hopefully while I just looked at my plate and then him again in disgust. "Please!" He begged. "For me?" He smiled hopefully at me, as I just looked back down at the plate.

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