Chapter V---Hazel

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Hazel decided right there that she liked the new Percy and Jason better. The originals had twinkles of mischief in their eyes, but, unlike Leo's, they were evil mischievous twinkles.

"What do you want?" New Jason growled. Somehow he and Percy had made their way to the front of the group.

"Well," Old Jason responded, looking baffled, "isn't it obvious? Gaea sent us to collect two of you to spill your blood!"

"She's still in need of sacrifices, you know," Perseus added.

Okay, Hazel thought, obviously these two aren't the sharpest daggers in the armory.

Apparently Annabeth had realized this, too. "So," she said casually, "what are Gaea's plans for us?"

"Oh, the Earth Mother is going to attack as soon as you land in Athens; she has a marvelous spectacle planned. Unfortunately, her prisoner cannot be killed-" Perseus narrowed his eyes. "Wait. I've said too much!"

"No, really?" Leo muttered beside Hazel.

Old Jason glared at Annabeth. "The blond one is wise. Perhaps she would be best for the sacrifice."

Hazel saw Percy tighten his grip on Riptide. "You aren't going anywhere with my-"

"Unfortunately," Old Jason continued, cutting Percy off, "the Earth Mother has plans for this one..."

Percy and Annabeth's faces both drained of color, but just as quickly flushed with anger.

"I'm not going anywhere," Annabeth growled. Hazel saw her tighten her fist on her dagger.

"Well, it appears you're sailing right into Gaea's trap, so I'm assuming that you are going somewhere," Perseus said.

Old Jason elbowed Perseus, muttering something in his ear. Perseus's eyes widened. "Whoops! Anyway, we'll just be going now..."

"Good," New Jason growled, "Now leave."

Old Jason and Perseus nodded. Suddenly Perseus lunged at Hazel, wrapping his fingers around her upper arms in a steely grip, and started lifting her into the air with his stupid winged sandals. Hazel watched in horror as the Argo II and her friends got smaller and smaller as she got higher and higher.

"Let me go, you jerk!" Hazel cried, squirming.

"Oh, I'm afraid I can't do that-Ah!" That last part was because Hazel had managed to kick him in the shin, loosening his grip on her for a split second.

"Well, that wasn't very nice," Perseus scolded her, regaining his composure.
Hazel's mind reeled, trying to formulate a plan.

Nothing surfaced.

She resigned to just trying to hit Perseus. Finally she landed a punch on his nose.

"OW!" he shrieked, letting go of her altogether to grasp his nose.

Hazel's heart skipped a beat as she realized what she had done.

She screamed as she tumbled to the ship's deck three hundred feet below.

I know, I haven't updated this in an über-long while. Longer update to make uo for it though!

This chapter I'm publishing was actually not what I originally planned to do with it when I started it after my last update, so this chapter involved a lot of thinking. Sorrysorrysorrysorry!

On the bright side, I've been on like an updating spree this weekend; I've had more free time than usual, so I've been typing.

My goal is to get all my works updated... Probably not gonna happen, though. =/

So... Vote and comment however you like; no minimum for this one, either. OD <--smiling Tyson

Happy reading,


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