20. Only One with all the Answers (Part 1)

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Celina's eyes filled and she said, "But it wasn't him."

"He would have been equally happy if he had an opportunity to know that his only daughter is one."

Tyrell stirred and sat back folding his hands. Everyone wanted to know about their own parents and I supposed Tyrell as well. He had mentioned before that he didn't even know if it was either his mother or father that came from Paramarashtra. He never asked anything to even doctor about it. I wondered if he was even interested in knowing at all.

"What about my uncle?" she asked, "Why did he kill himself?"

 "Didn't you mention he was impelled? There is only one person who can do such a thing in the whole Paramarashtra-a warlock who works under Shashi. I told you there is a clan of witches and warlock in Paramarashtra and Ira comes from that clan. Shashi must have been keeping tracks of you. I can't be sure but maybe Shashi knew you were going to meet you uncle. He must have asked Theodore to do what he did. Celina, I am really sorry for you loss...again."

"It's fine, doctor," she said and sniffed, "Is Ashwanth okay?"

He smiled. "Yes, he should be fine now. He is going to begin working in court from tomorrow?"

"He works in court?" asked Tyrell, suddenly sounding insecure "What does he do?"

"He works as main chef here."

"Whao!" said Tyrell, "Been friends with him since a long time. Never knew he can cook."

"Yes, he and Ira have been going to cooking classes since a long time. That is how I came around Ira Zutshi."

"Will Shourya let everyone go?" Celina asked, coming back to the topic "all the victims?"

"Yes, he will. Aghasthya is making sure to find out if anyone else is missing. But then I think they must have released everyone as soon they came to know Shashi lost the maiden's cup to Hayden."

I cleared my throat suppressing infinite questions that were reaching till my mouth to come out. I so wanted to ask him about Shourya- who he was and why he was behaving as if he was helping us even though he was working under Shashi.

Doctor let go of Celina's hand and turned to Pruthvi. "How do you know about Quinn Dimuro?"

"Dhanunjay told us about her," he replied, quickly, "he kept saying how genius she was."

"Yes, she was nothing but a miracle," he said, nodding, "She was the daughter of head of the cowboy clan. She was also friends with Theodore and..."

 He faltered there. Tyrell and Celina looked at me and gestured to ask him about my mother. But doctor wasn't even interested to bring up the topic. I just waited for him to finish everything with everyone. His hesitation was somehow making me realize that whatever Theodore Hanslay had told us, might be the truth.

Doctor gave me a side look and continued, "Quinn made many gadgets and your flying carpet is one of them. I have met her several times to know how she able to invent these ingenious products. She wasn't a witch but she had this unique magic in her hands. She was so genius that she made the carpet in such a way that it could sense the nerves of it's master. It can sense everything-what we think, what we need, just like humans."

"It was scared when Shashi came around," said Pruthvi.

"It has feeling just like a human, Pruthvi. Is there anyone in the Paramarashtra who aren't scared of him?"

"I get it," said Pruthvi, "And carpet always took us to the places worthwhile."

"I told you it can sense your thoughts. You must have thought about having an option to talk to your father while sitting on it, and so it helped you with it. Quinn used to love kids and Dhanunjay was one of them. I am sure he gave her one before she died."

"How did she die?"

"I have no certain idea about it. But I remember Tanvir mentioning it to me when I was in jail. He said Zarina Khan is the one who killed her. Five years ago, according to Tanvir, Zarina came to know about existence of the Tears of the Maiden through Quinn. She tortured her to reveal the secret cure of Comalica Virus. That time Zarina was still working for Shashi and that's how Shashi came to know about it."

"So he has been planning to spread the virus from past five years?" asked Celina.

"I can only guess. He knew about the Tears of the Maiden, I am sure of it but he must be waiting for the right time. Spreading virus and getting Leena here, it's a perfect plan. He must be furious now that his plan has failed...again."

"And the money?" asked Pruthvi, "all the wealth that we found in Quinn's house. What was that all about?"

"I  just found about all the wealth and the Holognome, Pruthvi. My knowledge doesn't go that far. But if I have to take a wild guess, Zarina Khan might have bribed Quinn to seize all the belongings and the equipments that Quinn invented. Quinn had definitely taken the money but she might not have told them where she kept all her equipments."

"It was in her house, wasn't it?" said Pruthvi.

"Pruthvi, that house does not belong to Quinn but Theodore Hanslay."

Celina's mouth dropped. "He got a house in Paschimgarh?"

"Yes, few of the British people settled in Paschimgarh also. One of them was your Uncle. Quinn might have given him all the money. And it was that money your uncle used to start his business, the cowboy's bar, one in Paschimgarh which he closed eventually due to the reasons better known to him and the other in Dakshinpur."

"So the money and all the jewels that are there," said Tyrell turning towards Celina, making assumptions, "Now belongs to you?"

Celina sucked in a deep breath. She looked away from all of us and said in a very low voice, "I don't know."

"We shall see, what we can do we all those money but we don't have to worry about Holognome," said Doctor.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because Holognome appears only at the time you need the most. People with high curiosity, doesn't matter who they are, if they wanted to talk to someone who is dead, then the Holognome appears. All other times, no one knows where it could be. It rotates from place to place, from time to time."

"Then how did Hardik took us straight to it?"

"Again, I can take a wild guess. Hardik has a capability to take to the place wherever Holognome exists at the moment. Because it's inventor was the same person."

"So now I really do want to talk to someone. Will Holognome appears now in this room?"

"Whom do you want to talk to?" he asked, gravely.

"I don't know," I said shrugging and then immediately changed my answer, "May be, King Harsh Thribhuvan."



(Book 2) Hayden Mackay and The Tears of the MaidenWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu