2: Mikey Way Loves Arts & Crafts

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Mikey immediately went to his favourite swing, near the end, secluded. Mikey never got along with the other children. It's not that he didn't want to, he wanted their attention so bad it hurt. But a lot of the other kids called him names because he liked to twirl around and dance, because he liked to read, and because he really liked unicorns. And some of the second graders would call him a girl, simply because one day he wore a shirt with a unicorn that read Unicorns Are Real.

And Mikey would swing and swing until his legs gave out, or if the duty teacher blew their whistle to summon them to line up and go inside, whichever came first.

He closed his eyes and pretended he was flying. He had read in books about people flying in airplanes and birds flying with their wings. Mikey had always wondered what it was like to fly. He kicked his little legs and giggled as a tingly feeling crept up into his stomach and he sung a Led Zeppelin song to himself, because he felt awesome and Led Zeppelin was an awesome band.

But as fate would have it, the teacher blew her whistle and Mikey reluctantly dragged his feet on the ground and stopped himself. He picked up his backpack and ran to the back of his class' line.

After everyone had lined up perfectly straight, the teachers would come to pick up their students. Mikey's teacher, Mr. Toro, greeted his class with his usual cheery smile and poofy hair that the children loved to touch. He was Mikey's favourite teacher ever.

The class walked single file into the first grade building and made their way to their class and sat in their usual seats. Mikey sat at his table alone. Occasionally, a girl named Alicia, who sat at a table near him, would stand over him and would succeed in annoying him. Alicia was always trying to mess with Mikey. She would always try to poke his shoulder and he would squirm like mad, simply because he hadn't gotten his cootie shot when a second grader was giving them out at recess. He had meant to, honest! But a boy named Brendon had given him a Cheeto from his lunch, and Mikey had unsuccessfully tried to make Brendon his friend.

Mr. Toro handed out the workbooks and they each did their ten addition problems of the day. Mikey was in the Eagle Group, and he was working on adding his tens, while the children in the Robin Group were still on their fives.

Mikey had always been called smart by his mother and brother and teachers. They even suggested he move up a grade, but eventually they just kind of dropped the idea. Mikey didn't mind, though.

He liked Mr. Toro and wanted him to be his teacher. And that's why he was always good in his class, and he always finished his work on time. He wanted Mr. Toro to think Mikey was a good kid, and he wanted someone to like him.

Mikey was in the middle of figuring out ten plus eight, when the principal came  into his class and pulled Mr. Toro into the hall for a quick discussion. Of course Mikey had to stop what he was doing and pay attention. He looked up from his group table, and he looked at the door.

A few minutes later, Mr. Toro came back into the class room, holding the hand of a little boy. He stood in front of the white board and called the class's attention.

"Hello, everyone! We have a new student," Mr. Toro announced. A few children turned to the kids at their tables. Mikey looked up at the boy with fascination. "Would you like to introduce yourself?" Mr. Toro asked the boy. The boy nodded and smiled a big smile and showed his teeth, well, kinda. His front tooth, on the left, was missing. Mikey smiled at that, they already had something in common.

The boy cleared his throat in a grown up manor, something he had learned from watching TV.

"My name is Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz the third. But please don't call me Peter Pan. Because my name is Peter. Or Pete. My mommy calls me Pete. I used to live in Chicago. It was real big. But now I live in New Jersey. And also I like blue and red," the boy said with a big smile. Mikey smiled really big. He liked the colours blue and red as well. He really liked Pete.

Mr. Toro thanked Pete for his introduction and assigned him his workbook and sat him at Mikey's lone table.

Mikey was beyond happy. Hopefully Pete would want to be his friend. He wanted Pete to be his friend. Pete sat down beside Mikey and smiled, showing Mikey his teeth in the process. Mikey was so happy that he smiled too.

"I'm Mikey. I've never lived in Chicago before," he replied honestly. Pete looked at him with wide eyes.

"What! Really? Oh it's really big. Almost as big as the playground," Pete replied, stretching his arms out as far as they could go. Mikey was absolutely shocked. How could anything be almost the size of the playground? The playground was very big. And according to Pete, bigger than Chicago. Mikey and Pete talked about the animals they liked. Pete liked dragons, and of course Mikey told Pete that his favourite animal was a unicorn.

"I'm not a girl though. Sometimes the big kids call me a girl," Mikey explained. Pete nodded his head rapidly. His mop of curly hair flopped around him. He looked at Mikey and smiled again.

"Well it's good you're not a girl. If you were a girl I couldn't be your friend because," Pete urged Mikey to come closer by bending his index finger. Mikey leaned forward and Pete cupped his hand around his mouth so the secret would be extra secret. "Because I didn't get my cootie shot yet. Don't tell anyone."

Mikey looked back at him and crossed his heart. Mikey urged Pete forward by waving his hand and he cupped his hand over his mouth to tell Pete his super extra secret. "It's okay, Pete, I didn't get mine yet either."

Pete nodded in agreement not to tell as well. He was very happy to have someone who had something in common with himself. In Chicago, no one wanted to be his friend. He was happy Mikey was talking to him. Little did he know the feeling was mutual.

The math lesson was over, and they moved onto arts and crafts. Mikey loved arts and crafts. (AN: not sorry) Mr. Toro handed out glue and scissors. He called on a tall boy, called Dallon, to hand out construction paper. Pete and Mikey each got a pair of blue scissors and a piece of red construction paper.

"Hey, Pete," Mikey started, folding his paper in half. Pete looked up from drawing on his paper. "Are we best friends now?" Mikey asked. Pete smiled.

"Yes Mikey. We are best friends now," Pete replied. Mikey looked at Pete and smiled really big. Pete returned the smile.

Mikey leaned over his paper and cut out a heart. He glued, messily, around the edges and sprinkled silvery glitter on it. He admired his work and smiled. He looked over at Pete, who was scribbling furiously on his paper. Mikey watched in awe at the boy. After a while of drawing, Pete set down his marker and looked over his work and looked toward Mikey who was smiling at Pete.

"I made this for you, Pete. It says 'You are my best friend'. Do you like it?" Mikey asked. Pete nodded and quickly took the red, glittery heart and hugged it. Mikey was happy that someone likes his art. Pete turned back to Mikey.

"Thanks, Mikey. I drew this for you. It's you and me. We're playing on my Xbox. It's really cool," Pete said. He scooted the sheet to Mikey and Mikey blushed. He was very happy that his new best friend had made him a drawing. He took his folder from his backpack and set it in there. He turned to Pete and they talked and talked about everything until lunchtime.


Hey guys. Here's another chapter. Idk if this will get as big as my Frerard one, considering it's only gonna be fluff, but I thought it was a cute idea and I Wentz for it. (Ha ha I'm hilarious, I know.) and currently it's like nearly 12 am and I should be sleeping, but yeah. I love you guys!

-Alex Winchester:)

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