Chapter Twenty-Four

Start from the beginning

It was part of her job to take care of the security and confidentiality of our client’s information. Ironic that she went around giving Evan my number and vice versa.

“Hey blue eyes they found something,” Stacy poked her head in my office near the end of the day. I am surprised since they had only been trying to find anything from the Halloween party for two days and not on company time.

“Okay,” I grabbed my office keys, saved what I had been working on and locked my door behind me.

I felt nervous to be looking over the security feed. Like I was some shit disturber in the office, even though I hadn’t started a thing between Suzanne and I.

Stacy pulled up a chair for me in the security room which is filled with screens and walls of tape recording, panels with all kinds of dials and buttons. Frank the security man that Stacy knew looked to be in his late forties, but is fit and had graying hair as he explained to us what he is doing.

“I found the feed that looks down each aisle of offices and this one is where yours is located. I did see some people coming and going,” Frank said to me and I nodded, he wouldn’t have a clue who these people were.

Still, it made me nervous that Frank and Stacy would see this and possibly start asking questions about why my boss and a client came into my office. Stacy’s eyes blazed with excitement next to me which is not helping.

Frank turned when I nodded and began the play back.

On the screen which is in black and white there was no one at first. All I could see is the rhythmic flashing of lights off screen from the party. Then a figure appeared unlocking the door that was unmistakably me.

“There I am,” I said.

“What were you going into your office for?” Stacy asked innocently. I hoped this wouldn’t turn out to be my fault for being careless. We were told to keep the offices locked up, but I didn’t see any harm in going into my own.

“I needed a break from the party,” I said the simplest answer I could give her and she nodded in acceptance. I realized this is going to look very awkward.

A few minutes later at the top of the screen I saw what looked like a man and woman talking at the end of the hall. I could only see the woman’s legs, but the short skirt and suit on the man gave away who they were. Eddie raised his hands in frustration at something the woman was saying and walked away – directly towards my office.

“That certainly is interesting,” Stacy chuckled.

“Err – Eddie had come in to talk to me about how the party was going,” I said absently feeling like this was revealing more than what I was saying.

I rubbed my hands together nervously knowing who would be coming next and nervous about Stacy’s reaction. I glanced at Frank the security guy; he wasn’t even paying attention just doing a crossword puzzle as we watched.

Like clockwork a few minutes later Evan showed up on the screen standing just outside my office before entering. Stacy looked at me raising an eyebrow, but didn’t say anything. I reached in my pocket for my breath mints to give my mouth something to do. This is becoming more nerve wracking than I thought it would be.

I cringed when Eddie left my office stumbling out. It looked exactly like it was, like he had been thrown out of my office.

“Okay you have got to explain to me later what really happened,” Stacy said quietly next to me.

Now that that part is over, I ignored her statement and paid close attention. A few minutes later Evan and I left my office. I watched as I shut the door, but didn’t lock it. I could tell. Soon as Evan and I were out of the camera’s view that same woman who had been talking to Eddie with the short skirt showed up testing my door.

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