Chapter 5

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No screaming, no arguing, no insults, just laughing and learning.

"So, you coming to my apartment or what?" Yoongi asked.

"Yeah sure, as long I don't fail this stupid class because of you."

Yoongi rolled his eyes,"You should be thankful I'm letting you even step a mile away from my place."

"Okay, Whatever."

With that, the two walked the opposite directions, towards their 5th class of the day. They had exchanged numbers before the bell had rang through out the school. Many other students were weary of the two; knowing how strong Yoongi is, and how much power Jimin actually has. It's a recipe of destruction...



As the last bell of 7th period rung, everyone flooded out of their classes and into the halls. It was complete chaos in the halls: people pushing, shoving, and even punching just to get the hell out of this school. Yoongi how ever had no problem. It was like the blonde was immune to large crowds- which he is very happy about considering he is slightly claustrophobic.

Everyone avoided Yoongi at all cost, never walking into his quite large personal bubble. Making it easier for his friends to spot the short one from afar.

Upon arriving at the school entrance, he was met by a certain figure off in the distance. By now though, both Taehyung and Jin had found the blonde staring at said figure.

Tae questioned his hyung,"Who is that, Yoongs?"

"Wait here, imma go talk to him."

Yoongi began waking towards the small outline of the man. He could hear Taehyung groaning in annoyance on how he had just completely ignored his poor dongsaeng. Jin though was silent, worried for Yoongi as he walks closer and closer. He knows who the man is, and he's scared what he'll do when Yoongi gets close enough.

Yoongi stood right in front of the man, arms crossed and showing an icy glare that could even kill. The man laughed and tried to ruffle the blonde's hair, but failed due to the fact Yoongi had swatted it away.

"Salty as ever, huh, Min Yoongi."

Yoongi rolled his eyes for the nth time today," What the fuck are you doing here, Flare?"

"Just here to see my good ol' bully buddy again- note the sarcasm," he laughed.

"I wasn't you're god damn bully buddy, I was the victim."

"And a good one at that! But you really think you could run away from me?"

Flare pushed Yoongi slightly, making the teen stumble a bit backwards. That little gesture stirred up a lot of commotion, gaining a crowd of students surrounding the two- which included Park Jimin.

He watched and smirked, thinking of how weak the ghoul really was. I can't believe he got bullied, what a loser, Jimin thought.

Flare continued to push the older until he had stumbled back to much and fell flat on his bum. Jin and Taehyung began to storm into the crowd angrily,glaring at the red haired man.

"Stop with yours God damn bullying Flare, we all know its because yours jealous!" Taehyung said, pissed the fuck off.

"Jealous? You're joking, why would I be jealous of a one eyed freak while I'm completely full ghoul."

"Because," Jin calmly interrupted,"you know deep down in your stone heart, that Yoongi is stronger than you. Heck, I bet he can even murder you to the point of no return."

"Tsk, whatever." Flare crossed his arms and looked away with an angered expression.

"I don't hear you denying it~ Now, get the hell out of my school before I let Yoongi here kick your sad little ass."


Before Flare knew it, he was being held off the ground, someone clutching his collar tightly. As he looked down, he saw a small flash of blonde before being hurdled into a tree right outside school grounds. Unfortunately, Flare had activated his kagura before, making it less of impact.

The vice principal -who no one knows the name of- comes out of no where and send Flare back to his home. Yoongi hoped it was the dump, but you never know,  he may just be in the middle of an ocean right now.

Within seconds, the vice principal vanished into thin air. No one seemed to be bothered, like it was normal thing that happen daily.

Once that was all over, everyone went back to doing their own thing. With a low sigh, the vampire walked up to the ghoul. Yoongi looked at him weirdly, as if he had some contagious virus in him.

"The fuck do you want?" The blonde ask.

Jimin scoffed, though they had gotten along in Science class, it was different outside of it. "Am I going to your house or not? I need your address to do so too."

"Tsk," Yoongi groaned inwardly," yeah okay, just come by at 4."

Yoongi had gotten a piece of paper and a pen out of no where and wrote his address on it. The boy handed it to the younger and proceeded to talk to his friend until another comes by.

Jimin scoffed at Yoongi's rudeness. How could he treat someone like me like that?, Jimin thought as he walked back to his car. Turning on the engine, he began driving to his home.

Once Taehyung had finally arrived from where he had went after the small fight, both olders complained about his absence.

The dongsaeng apologized with a bow and offered to ride the two home for the inconvenience. That just means wasting gas on his hyungs, just for him running off after the commotion.

"Of course you're gonna drive us home, we took your car here, dumbass," Yoongi said, slightly pissed.

"Oh shit, sorry. I forgot." Taehyung laughed and scratched the back of his head.

The three then climb into the younger's car. This time though, Yoongi had sat shot gun. So, the blonde decided to plug his phone into the aux cord and play a song which was titled "Monster".

Let's just say some of the teachers there used to have a life.


I don't have a life

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