Chapter 8 - A Chance?

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As the birds chirped merrily to welcome the morning, leaves fell from the trees, slowly floating to the ground in a sinking like motion.

Shay's POV
I splashed my face with ice cold water. Trying to distract myself from my thoughts, thoughts of my little girl not making it through the surgery.

Avia had been deteriorating the past night. I had spent most of it holding her as the pain took over her body and tears poured down her face. The doctors were close to cancelling the surgery again but I refused to let them. This is the only chance we have left to save Avia.

Colette's POV
"It's going to be okay Avia, trust me." Colette assured her daughter with a warm smile.
Avia was terrified about her surgery, she didn't want to go to sleep in case she didn't wake up and this broke my heart. I myself had tried to be positive, for Avia, but deep down I'm unsure.
"Mum," Avia interrupted my train of thought, "Mum, if I don't make it through the surgery, remember that I will always love you and dad."
I looked up, tears falling from my face, "I love you more than anything, as does dad. You are going to be fine. I promise."

A few doctors talked Shay, Avia and I through the procedure one last time. They are going to see if it's possible to surgically remove the tumour. If they think it's possible they will. However if they can't remove it, our fight is over. The doctors told us last night that Avia is too sick for a port now, and she's refusing to have chemo injected.

Shay's POV
It was time for me to carry Avia to theatre. Colette wanted me to do it.
I gently picked Avia up and walked through the winding corridors. I placed her on the bed as the doctors put a mask over her nose and mouth containing the anaesthetic.
"Count down from 100 Avia, you'll be fast asleep before you know it." A doctor spoke.
I watched Avia's eyes close slowly as she fell in to a forced, yet peaceful sleep. I kissed her on her forehead and pushes her long, brunette hair out of her face.

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