Snoggletog! "Yaknog taste and kidnapping" (Chapter 2)

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Dusty woke up, her eyes were lazier than before. She looked right and she noticed she didn't see Striker there. She ighed and got up and changed herself. She then heard a knock on the door, she slid herself downstairs and when she opened the door the twins along with Snotlout in the back were there.
    "Oh hey guys." Dusty waved a little with a half smiled. Tuffnut smiled back, but the other two looked still blue as ever.
   "It was Tuffnut's idea for you to walk with us." Snotlout called out, Ruffnut sniggered a little. Dusty rolled her eyes and headed outside with the four as they all walked around Berk. As they walked they could see all the children making snow dragons and looked all depressed and sad. Dusty sighed and lowered her eyes.
    "Yaknog! Get your Yaknog! Come on!" Dusty could hear Astrids joyfully voice running around the village. She suddenly saw the four of them and ran towards them. "Hey guys! Try this new beverage I made for the holiday!" She held a huge tray in her hand and there were cups on it. Suddenly a huge stench appeared right inside Dusty's nose, she gaged.
   "Ugh what's that smell? Is that you?!" Tuffnut exclaimed pushing away his sister to the ground.
Astrid held up a huge cup. "It's Yaknog!" She poured it down in a cup, it looked absolutely disgusting. Even Tuffnut couldn't handle the disgusting looking thing.
He gaged. "Ugh if I drink that I'm  going to yaknog all over the place." He said as he backed away. Dusty suddenly made a werid noise in her throat, she breathed in and out but she still smelled the stench of the odd beverage. She suddenly felt something crawling up her stomach.
   "Oh Dusty you don't look well, here have some!" Astrid offered the Yaknog to her. Dusty didn't want to be rude to she took it and drank it, her cheeks suddenly puffed up.
   "What's in there?" She muffled.
   "Oh well there's warm Yak milk an-" she couldn't finish because Dusty dropped her mug and darted away behind a nearby house and the gang all heard weird noises that sounded like she was vomiting. After a few minutes Dusty came away from the Hut and looked at the others with her hand over her mouth.
    "Um almergic to yak milk." She said as her voice was muffled.
Astrid had a shocked expression. "OH, well next time I'll make it Yak milk free just for you okay?" She said cheerfully.
   "Well she might not like it, but I'd love a mug!" Snotlout said as he took a mug and drinked, he suddenly flinched and the same noise came from his stomach. He gulped and put the mug back on the tray. "Umm, it could really taste the yak."
   "Oooh yum! What is that?!" Fishlegs exclaimed excitedly as he ran towards Astrid and pushed Tuffnut out of the way.
    "Oh you want to try some?! It's my new traditional drink!" She told him happily. Fishlegs caught a glimpse of Snotlout shaking his head at him with a face saying Do not drink it.
    "Oh uh you know, I have suddenly and unexpectedly changed my mind." Fishlegs said as he swung his arms around nervously.
   "Hmm, well you don't know what your missing. I bet Hiccup will love this!" Astrid then walked away from the gang. Dusty was sitting down with her legs crossed and she still had her mouth covered up, her face looked pale and green.
   "Are you crying?" Ruffnut asked Snotlout, he looked like he could puke as well. Both the twins had smirks and nd grins on their faces as they looked at the black-haired boy. Dusty sighed and got up slowly and shook her head dizzily.
Fishlegs noticed and went over to her. "Are you okay Dusty?" He asked her worriedly.
   "Yeah, I'm just allergic to yak milk. If I drink any, I get sick.." she gulped and another werid noise came from her stomach.
   "Are you sure you're okay?" Tuffnut asked her from afar, his voice sounded weirdly concerned. Dusty nodded and got up straight and breathed out in relief.
   "Yeah, I'm just going to drink some normal water, I'll be right back lads." She said as she ran back to her house and looked around.

Dusty finally found her water mug and drinked out of it. She sighed in relief and put the mug down and was about to go back downstairs until she noticed something. Her door was closed, she didn't close her door when she entered. Dusty suddenly jumped as she heard a small noise coming from behind her, she could also feel something hot from behind her. She looked behind her and right in front of her was Blue and Bolt's heads looking down at her from the roof.
   "Blue! Bolt!" Dusty exclaimed as she petted both of them on the head. They both gurgled happily, unexpectedly they both flew down and grabbed Dusty by the shoulders and flew off from the roof. Dusty shouted in shock as the Zipplebacks flew up higher away from Berk. They both flew as fast as possible away from the island unseen by anyone, they then flew off somewhere to a foggy area.
    Dusty shook her shoulders trying to get out of the grip of the Zippleback, they both looked down at her and let their grips out making Dusty fall down.
   "BLUE, BOLT!!" Dusty screamed at them, she suddenly felt something bite the back of her shirt. Blue had grabbed her and he threw her up on his body. Dusty held on to both their long necks as they flew speedily. "Guys where on earth are you taking me?"
The zippleback replied with a growl as they glided around the fog with both their head looking around for the area they were looking for.

After an hour passed, Dusty's eyes became droopy from the long flight.
   "Hey guys are we there yet?" She asked them, Bolt looked behind at her and screeched at her as he nodded. They sped up up a little until they came to clearing from the fog. When they flew out of the fog, Dusty looked down and there she saw a huge island full of dragons. "Whoa.. what on earth. Guys where are we?" She asked them. They gurgled in reply and instead just glided down onto the island and bent down to let Dusty unmount them. Dusty looked around curiously, there were a load of Deadly Nadders, Monsturous Nightmares, Gronckles and a load others! Dusty caught the glimpse of a wing over her head. She looked over and saw Blue and Bolt beside her, they both looked down at her with small smiles on their faces. They then started to move fowards, they ushured Dusty to follow them. Dusty gave them an unsure look but she followed them anyway. Blue and Bolt guided Dusty towards where the gangs dragons where. Dusty shot up and smiled as she saw the twins Zippleback. "Barf! Belch!" she ran towards them, the two headed dragon screeched and they both put their heads down so that Dusty could pet them both on the head.
   She suddenly then heard a little screech on her feet. She looked down and she saw a tiny baby Zippleback looking up at her. Its scales were turquoise with green and blue patterned on its head.
    "You guys came here to lay your eggs!" Dusty exclaimed as she bent down and extended her hand towards the baby zippleback. The one on the left screeched at her but the other one sniffed her hand and nudged it while doing a friendly like gurgle at her. The other head nudged his other head's heads and screeched. Dusty clicked her fingers at it, it caught its attention and it tilted its head at her curiously.
     "Haha, aww you two are adorable." She chuckled as she scratched the right heads jaw. Blue and Bolt's head popped out of nowhere, they started to rub his head on the baby Zippleback, Barf and Belch did the same. Dusty gave them a confused look, she suddenly noticed something.
    "Wait a minute... Blue, Bolt? Are you female?" Dusty's eyes widened as she saw her zippleback open their mouth and let out a soft screech. Barf and Belch both let out a dragon-ish laugh, the baby Zippleback started to laugh as well. "Hey! Knock it off guys!" Dusty blushed as she narrowed her eyes away. Bolt nudged her arm and gurgled at her as she rubbed her head on her cheek. Dusty chuckled and scratched Bolt's side.

     "Hey girls, have you seen Striker?" Dusty asked as she stopped playing with Blue and Bolt's little baby dragon and a baby Gronckle she met. Blue and Bolt both looked at each other and then back at Dusty, they looked around uneasily but nodded. "Really? Do you have any idea where he might be then?"
  The two headed dragon looked behind them, they then both started to walk off but their tail was swishing left and right, signaling her to come. Dusty followed them closely, as they walked Dusty was able to see Stormfly and Hookfang. She didn't see Meatlug though, she ignored it and decided to keep looking for her dragon. They kept walking until her zippleback came to a stop and they looked up.
    "What's up?" She looked up and chuckled at her own joke. Blue and Bolt gave her a annoyed and disappointed look. Dusty snickered and waved her hand, she suddenly heard a loud screech from above. There she saw a dark silhouette above her, it then landed right behind her. She looked behind her and it was her dragon Striker! The skrill wagged his tail and he nearly tackled Dusty as he licked her face.
    "Haha! Yeah I missed you too buddy!" She smiled brightly as she petted Strikers head. The Skrill's spikes jiggled up and down as he nudged his head at hers. Blue and Bolt both let out a low screech as they greeted Striker with both of them nudging his head and snapping their jaws. "You get any kids then?" Dusty asked him. Striker replied with a roareless open mouth and he closed it again. Dusty gave him a confused look but shook it off and rubbed his head gently. He looked up at her and shaked his head left and right before gurgling at her. Dusty could understand what he was trying to say! Will you stay? I need a mate, can you stay? It was all mashed up but she nodded and petted her dragons neck.
   "Alright boy, I'll stay with you. For now anyway. We need to get home soon."

"As Fast As A Lightning Bolt" Httyd OC FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora