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     ...Silence, Silence never changes.. It's like a darkening hole in your mind, swirling around and around until you go insane. The silence had driven me insane many years ago, when I was just a boy. I was now a young man; twenty-five years old and had no clue of who I once was. The Trapper.. or "Father" as I called him, took me under his wing when I was thirteen... When Bloodworst left me for dead.
      But that was long ago, now I was walking through our property trying to find little trinkets our victims would have dropped. So far I had found a few gold wedding bands and a silver pocket watch with a skull carved in it. "Definitely a keeper" I said to myself as I studied it. It still was working, the tiny little hand ticking away at the passing time..

     After another hour of searching I returned home, father was waiting for me in the kitchen as he normally did each and every night. He hadn't really allowed me to go out "hunting" quite yet, but whoever he brought home I was allowed to kill. ".......You found something?" he asked and turned his head towards me. I nodded as I stepped close to him, coming out of the shadows. I quickly opened my palm and revealed the watch and gold bands; Father walked over to me and picked out one of the gold bands.
     He studied it for a while, like he was thinking about actually selling it. " Do you know who this is from?". I shook my head "No.. who is it?". "A Davidson.. like yourself" he growled. Now, I'm going to be honest here.. my Father could be a douche at times, but he meant nothing by it. I moved a few strands of hair out of my eyes and watched silently as he continued "I'm sending you into town again... go to the dealership- sell the rings for more than usual.." without a word I started out the door "And M.J?" he called. I stopped and turned around "Yes father?"I spoke in a low tone, showing the respect I bared.
     If you had been there.. you could hear the softness in his hoarse voice. "Keep the watch; You've earned it". 

     I smiled as I forced the large rusted metal gate open, then shut it immediatly so no prey could escape; I had done well today to earn this watch. As I trecked down the dirt road I could hear screaming behind me... and I laughed to myself"One bitch down.. good job... Dad". As time passed I finally reached town, it had been maybe several months since I had last visited.. but it was briefly interuppted by angry police officers. I still had a few friends whom owed me a great deal of debt: One; I let them live, Two; I helped them out of jail..
     No one would be awake at this time besides Josh himself, who was up all night playing video games. Father knew nothing of my friends so they were safe from him.. but from me? Not so much. I got closer to the burnt brick building, it's iridescent neon sign flickered as the bold words "Jewle's" hung low above the glass door.
     I didn't bother knocking and dove straight into the store; worst idea ever. Moaning could be heard from upstairs and my face scrunched at the thought of sex, it was a disgusting human nature... father had always taught me: "If you want a child, M.J... kidnap it- That's how I got you". Ah, the words of a wise, wise man. I wanted to leave, but just straight out yelled "HEY! KNOCK IT OFF I NEED SOME HELP DOWN HERE!". The moaning slowly faded and I could hear footsteps come down the stairs; a small clicking of a pistol cartridge being loaded into the gun. "Who's there?" a semi-tired sounding voice demanded.
     Annoyance grew within me and I snapped "Mikey Mouse.. who the fuck do you think Josh? Get your ass out here, NOW" I demanded. 

     Josh came out from the shadows, only wearing boxers and not caring to tuck in his member; I sharply turned my head and exclaimed "Tuck it in I don't wanna see that!". Josh chuckled a bit "Sorry 'bout that M.J... I got lucky tonight" "Yeah I see that.. disgusting- ach, nevermind.. how much will you buy these for?" I asked and showed him the rings. He walked over and tucked the gun into his boxers; then studied the rings for a few moments "I'd say about a hundred each.. how many ya got?". That is what I liked about Josh: He was straight to the point, no tedious how's and why's... I grinned and showed him the rest, there were fifteen in total. 
     None the less I would be leaving this store a near wealthy man, and I knew it. Josh's eyes seemed to glimmer at the rings "Beautiful pieces of work- Where do you get this stuff?" he questioned "You aren't robbing people or stealing are you M.J?". My heart sort of pounded and I shook my head "Nah.. j-just some old rings of my Grams..how much will you pay for 'em?".  He took the rings from my hands and studied them... after a while he walked over to the crash register and counted out $15,000 dollars. 
     "Here ya are" Josh said and held out the cash. I took it and stuffed it in my pocket, shook his head and smiled "Thanks Josh..oh, by the way.. wanted to know if you'd wanna come over some time? You're a good friend". Josh smiled "Sure.. where do you live?". I grinned slightly, this fool had no idea whatsoever what I was planning for him.

It was good to see him die.. his girlfriend even better. I went back to their store in the morning and took all the cash in the cashregister.. the cameras could see me; but no one could ever catch me. Well.. not no one. Zhena had become the towns hunter around five years ago.. but she left so I didn't have to worry.

Or at least I thought I didn't

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2016 ⏰

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[] Dead By Daylight 2 [] by Morgan MoultonWhere stories live. Discover now