Tag Reply # 3

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Hello everyone! I have been tagged by elfindisguise for this one. You are such a sweetie pie! However, I will skip the #1 & 2 of Tag 2 because I don't know how to insert pictures in here. So let's start!

Tag 1:

Nickname: Yang is my nickname here in the house, and to my relatives.

Eye colour: Dark brown.

Hair colour: Black, and I always prefer having a long hair.

Favorite color/s: I love so many colors but I'm loving red and black recently. It used to be pink and blue.

Weird fact about me: I don't know if you can call it weird but, I've never had chickenpox(eww)and measles.

Favorite place: My bedroom when I'm inside the house. But when I'm outside, I love going to the malls.

Favorite animal/s: Oh, there's so many! I have a big love for rabbits because I was born on Year of the Rabbit. But I also love cats and dogs because we have a bunch here at home. In the wild, I love watching lions, cheetahs and pumas. These big cats are just amazing!

Favorite food: There's a lot! But I love sweets. Ice cream, cakes, donuts, brownies, muffins, chocolates, you name it. I love Japanese food too, especially ramen, tempura and sushi. Pizza! I love pepperoni, ham and cheese, and bacon cheeseburger.

Tag 2:

What I am good at: Playing chess, and conversing in English. Well, not fluently, just above average.

Favorite emoji: The angry one with...you know, smoke coming out of its nose. The smiley with a halo, like an angel. Honestly, I do miss seeing the old Yahoo! Messenger emoticons. Simply because they are moving.

Favorite person/people on Wattpad: The people in Wattpad HQ, of course! They created one brilliant community, website and app! I decided not to have favorites on my followers and to the people I'm following so I can treat everyone fairly. :)

Tag 3:

What I'm wearing: Light blue t-shirt and pink shorts.

My OTP/s:


Neji/Tenten (Naruto)

Naruto/Hinata (Naruto)

Ryoma Echizen/Sakuno Ryuzaki (Prince of Tennis)

Hisoka/Machi(Hunter X Hunter)

Kenshin/Kaoru(Rurouni Kenshin)


Sherlock Holmes/Joan Watson (Elementary)

Caleb/Hanna(Pretty Little Liars)

Eliot/Margo(The Magicians)

Leo/Piper (Charmed)

Moulder/Scully (The X Files)



Rick/Evelyn (The Mummy)

Haku/Chihiro(Spirited Away)

Gosh, I can't remember the others...sorry.

Do you watch anime? A big YES! Since I was a child, I have been watching animes.

How tall are you? I'm 5'3.

How much do you weigh? Honestly, I don't know. *laughs*

Any tattoos? None. Though I wanted a Charmed triquetra at the back of my neck or on the palm of my left hand before. But since I want to donate blood, I decided not to do it.

Piercings? None. I don't like it.

Favorite TV show/s: The Walking Dead! I just started watching Season 1. I know I'm late but I'm loving the show!

Favorite band/s: The Corrs, Linkin Park, Lifehouse, Goo Goo Dolls, Vertical Horizon, Evanescence, Daughtry

Age: I'm on my late twenties.

Zodiac: Leo!

Qualities in a partner: He should have a good sense of humor. Someone who can still make me smile and laugh even if I'm so angry. I prefer an intelligent, humble and gentle man. Most of all, he should be kind and caring to animals. A guy with a big heart and compassion to animals and nature.

Favorite quote(recently):

Now, this is a quote I totally relate to my real life. It's a big lesson to me.

"Good friends care for each other, close friends understand each other, but TRUE FRIENDS stay forever. Beyond words, beyond distance and beyond time."

How about you? Have you found your real friends? Because I found mine. Though they are not on Wattpad.

Deepest fear: Losing everyone I love. I have another fear, though it's not deep. I fear...cockroaches! Especially if it's flying towards me!

I tag: No one. Any of you can do this tag. Yes, I'm looking at you. o.O
Do it if you want to.

So, that's it! I enjoy sharing this with you, guys! Thank you for reading! :)

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