What does he mean I haven't heard the whole story? I've heard enough to know what happened. Dylan and Haley dated for a while until Haley broke up with Dylan because of Jason. That's what happened, isn't it? Did Dylan actually tell me everything? 

I immediately start to feel guilty. Of course Dylan has told me everything, he wouldn't lie to me. This is just Jason's way of winding me up, I've known him long and well enough to be aware of all the tricks he has up his sleeve.

"I know enough," I hiss, narrowing my eyes at Jason. If this is his petty attempt at getting me to break up with Dylan then he really must be absolutely clueless.

"You won't know until--" he starts but I cut him off straight away.

"Enough," I growl, startling us both with the agressiveness in my voice but I'm not done yet. "Dylan and I are together and yes Jason, if you must know, I love him, there's no doubt about it. I don't know what it is exactly that you want from me but just know that nothing, and I mean nothing will break us up. So I suggest you just stop trying to bring us apart because it's pointless and honestly, childish. Now if you don't mind I'd like to get this over and done with so I can go home."

After I finish I just sit there, breathing heavily after my hasty outburst. Jason is also stunned into silence but is quickly able to compose himself. He sits quiet for a moment, as if thinking something through. His look turns cold and almost angered and I worry that he'll shout at me too. Then he sighs loudly and shakes his head, as if having an internal battle with himself. What is he thinking?

"So DNA, what does that stand for again?" He asks and I sigh internally, relieved that he's prepared to let this go.


"Hey, what's wrong?" Dylan answers the phone after the second ring, apprehension already laced in his voice.

"Nothing is wrong, I'm just calling to tell you I'm leaving now." I reassure him.

"Oh, do you need me to pick you up? I'm kind of in the middle of practise."

"No it's fine, Jason is driving me home," I tell him. Dylan stays silent.

"Can I pick you up in ten minutes?"

"Dylan I said it's fine, really. He's just dropping me off then coming straight home." I urge, not wanting to disrupt him any more than I have.

"I swear to God if he tries anything on you, Ali--"

"He won't," I interrupt, "don't worry, I'll text you when I get home ok?" I hear some muffled voices in the background and if it wasn't so distinctively loud and ear-piercing, I wouldn't have known that it's coach Michaels. "You should go practise, I'll see you tomorrow." 

"Alright, I love you," his tone softens.

"I love you, too." I reply and hang up, not wanting to waste anymore of his time. Jason suddenly appears behind me, was he there the whole time?

"You ready?" He asks, eyeing me closely.

"Yeah, let's go."


Jason slows his car onto Ava's porch, cutting the engine off completely, the doors are still locked so I am unable to get out. I wait for Jason to open the door, twiddling my thumbs as a way to distract myself.

"I'm sorry," he mutters and my head snaps up. Shuffling in his seat, Jason shifts so he's fully facing me.

"Sorry?" I ask, bewildered.

"About earlier, I--"

"It's ok," I butt in, not wanting to stick around for very much longer. He pauses for a second, as if astonished that I forgave him so easily. Honestly, I just want to leave as quick as I can.

Once AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora