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My dreams torment me. I think too much about how my poorly my brain has been sculpted over the past few years. In and out of consciousness. In and out of reality and fascism. It's almost like I see how someone can go from being completely normal to being totally insane in under a minute. They go from being someone I love, to being someone who could twist that word and make it my worst nightmare. These people in my dreams could find the greatest pleasure in my fear of looking them directly in the eye simply because I cannot recognise who they are anymore. Mentally, this taunts me every second. I feel stuck in these dreams. Emotionally, it rips me from the responsibilities I have here and toys with my ability to concentrate on who I am... or was. Was I even who I thought I was before these dreams occurred? I hope these dreams don't become a reality. Whatever the outcome may be, whether it be I or someone else.

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