I looked over at those 2 and saw princess trying to kiss brick, so I used my powers to throw a meatball at her.

Brick pov

Princess tried to kiss me but out of no where princess gets hit by a meatball.

"Huh who threw this meatball?!"

Then our waiter came and brought our drinks.

"Anything you guys would like to eat now?" He asked.

And once again princess decided what we were eating, and I think that meatball gave princess of an idea.

"We would like spaghetti and meatballs please, but only on one plate,"princess said.

"That's it?" The waiter asked.

"Yes," princess replied.

JJ pov

I went to bloss after they told me what they wanted.

"Bloss, princess asked for spaghetti, I think she's trying to kiss brick... again," I told her.

"Well JJ those things only happen in movies,"blossom said.

"Bloss, this is princess we're talking about, she'll do anything to kiss brick!"I yelled back.

"Then do everything you can to stop them from kissing,"bloss said.

"I know captain obvious," I said using my powers to make spaghetti pop up in my hand

Brick pov

Finally our food came,usually I'll never share food with princess, but I'm starving.

"Here's you food," the waiter said giving us our food, "do you need anything else?"

"No we're good," princess replied.

I grabbed my fork and took some spaghetti.

My eyes went big, this spaghetti taste so good.

I stared eating it by myself forgetting about princess.

"Hey I want some too,"princess yelled.

"Oh sorry I forgot you were here," I said.

Me and princess grabbed our spaghetti at the same time.

Then out of no where our waiter comes, and says "oh I think the spaghetti is too long let me make it shorter."

Then she cut it I looked up and saw that me and princess faces were close to each other.

I then realized, me and princess almost kissed 😨! Luckily that waiter cut the spaghetti, but princess looked really mad.

"Hey what are you doing!?"she yelled.

"Making your spaghetti shorter, what do you think," the waiter said.

Princess breathed in and out.

"Hey can we please take this to go?" Princess asked.

"Sure, and here's your check," he said putting the check on the table.

JJ pov

"Bloss I stopped them from kissing and now they want to leave," I told bloss.

"Yes! good job JJ,"blossom thanked me.

"Wait JJ, blossom, what are you guys doing here!?" someone yelled.

We turned around and saw brick.

"JJ?, who's JJ I am Steve,"I said.

"I know it's you JJ what are you guys doing here,"brick yelled again.

"Well.. um.. well you should thank me I stopped you a princess from kissing,"I said proudly.

"Fine, I'll give you a pass this time for stopping me and princess from kissing,"brick said.

"Oh and here's the box for your food," I said giving brick the box.

"Ok thanks,"brick said walking back to princess.

Princess pov

"Brickypoo you're back,"I said.

"Yeah and here's the box for our food,"he said.

Then our waiter came, he took the check and said "have a good day."

Me and brickypoo went in my limo.

It was a long way back so i fell asleep on him.

I had a dream about our future, in the dream me and brickypoo got married, and had kids 4.

When I woke up brickypoo was gone and I was in my room.

~i know it's bad, but hope you liked it. Please vote and comment. Bye my peoplez😇~

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