8- Who Knew I'd End Up With You And Be Happy?

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**Jens Pov**

-previous Part-

"Jen we need to talk." and Niall, Jake and Alex are following behind her.

"What are you guys doing here? And what are you doing with her alex?" im so shocked. Why would Alex be with her? He was suppose to meet me at my locker! i bet they're making out again behind my back.

"I uhm-" she got cut off by Niall.

"She wants to straighten things out."

"Well there is nothing to straighten out" i say. i walk away not stopping. Leaving Elena, Alex and memories behind me.

**Elenas Pov**

"Jake you're such a faggot why would you tell her I make out with Alex?" I start crying and Niall comes and comforts me.

"I wanted you back ok? I can't just let you be with other people when I still love you!" Wow jake looks pretty serious. Niall's grip is a bit tighter.

"We'll you know what? I will never love you! It's your fault we broke up! So get a fricking life and leave me alone! Holy it's not Rocket science." The minute I said it, I regretted it. "Jake wait I didn't mean that. I'm sorry."

"You know what? I'm done trying. Bye Elena, have a nice life because I know I won't." Jake kisses me softy on the cheek and leaves with a tears in his eyes.

**Nialls Pov**

Wow. i never realized how nasty Elena was. Jake is trying so hard. I know he hurt her which kinda makes me angry but he is trying so hard to get her back.

"Well i better be off love."

"Why? Dont leave me." Elena replied.

"What you said was kinda mean so ill just be off. Bye Elena see you around." She starts to cry. Almost as much as she did when she broke up with me..

Elena starts talking again. And i find it cute how she sniffles almost after every word. I wish i could hold her. "Ok," sniffle "I uhm," sniffle "underst-stand." sniffle. Its really sad to watch her like this when she is usually so happy.

"Bye Elena. Im sorry." she nodded and walked away.

**Jakes Pov**

I know i hurt Elena but she doesnt realize that i love her. i start to pray, Please God open her eyes to make her see that i've been here all along. I've always only been here.


**Elenas Pov**

Honestly i dont get it. What just happened? I was trying to fix something an then BOOM everything gets messed up.

I miss Niall. I miss everything. I actually also really miss Jake which is weird.


When I walk into my house, grab a quick snack, I make my way over to jakes house. I don't know what passion brings me, but as I see him through the window at his house, he walks straight outside.

"Listen i know you probably dont want to see me.." i begin then i trail off.

"No i do. I actually new you would show up. i had, uhm, a, you know, instinct. " ok then. That was really weird.

"Ok anyways i just wanted to talk. Everyone is mad at me and i just want you to know that im sorry. I didnt mean anything i said. I was just mad that everyone got mad at me and idk it kinda came out but im just want you to know im -" he cuts me off with a kiss. I've always secretly felt a spark when we kissed, but kissing him was nothing like kissing Niall. Jakes kisses were sweet and full of passion like Nialls, but Nialls were soft. Both kisses made me tingle inside.

I release our kiss and say, "Uhm i know you hurt me, but i really want us to work."

"What about Niall?"

"Niall thinks I'm a bully and kinda hates me right now so I don't think it really matters what he thinks right now."

**Jakes Pov**

Finally! I literally prayed for this moment to happen and it did! Thank you God for answering my prayers!

"We'll I don't know I don't want him beating me again." I still have nightmares about me getting beat up by him.

"He won't," She started firmly, "if anything is going down, it's between me and him. Choosing you is my choice and I don't want you getting hurt because of the choices I make."

"Thanks Elena. Listen. I really am sorry for our break up. I didn't mean anything I did or said to cause it. I was drunk and I'm sorry. I haven't drank since and if you be with me I will continue to never drink or do drugs or anything. I've always only been here for you and I always will." And she started to cry. And whispered a "Yes." Even though I didn't ask her yet. And I carried her bridal style all the way into my house.


I'm sorry I know it's short but a lot of people want me to update!

Next chapter will have a bit of everyone's Pov .

Okay bye thanks for reading! Vote if you liked it!


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