Chapter 13

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How do you tell a lunatic you're in love with him? He already knows.


Gerard did not object when Gemma wanted to see Edward first, seeing as she picked up on his lean towards Harry. With that, he went outside to her Chevrolet to collect her bags while the Styles princess herself took the staircase two at a time.

She followed the woven carpet down the haunting hallway to the bedroom door that her instincts brought her to every night of a nightmare as a child. Without knocking, her hand grabbed the brass knob and twisted it so the familiar ache in her wrist signalled the release of the latch.

When Gemma found her brother sleeping fully clothed around a person, she did not expect in her wildest dreams for that person to be smaller than him and not share well over 90% of their family gene structure.

She paused in the hallway and frowned deeply, still grasping the door handle and watching her older sibling comfort some stranger. "Edward?"

Edward sat up with such sudden gusto it was as if someone administered to him a shot of adrenaline. He looked at his sister and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. "Sister."

"I don't see you and the halfwit in half a decade, yet I'm allowed to return to this sight." She gestures distastefully to the figure in Edward's bed, under his covers.

"That's no concern of yours."

Edward wraps his arm around her shoulders and smiles down at her. They haven't seen each other in such a long while, as stated, and he's missed the only other person of his bloodline he'll spend time alone with.

"Of course it is." Gemma tries not to be dragged out of the room, as she would appreciate a close examination of the intruder.

"Do not call our brother a halfwit, Gemma." Edward walks out with her under his arm, careful not to hurt her while ushering her along.

His mind nagged him, or at least the hidden subconscious within his mind. He shouldn't be leaving Louis alone but if he stayed then Gemma would stay and he's not fond of his sister harassing his petal while the latter is in such a fragile state.

* * * * *

Harry hears screams, vicious cries that are deafening even with his ears blocked and soft muttering to himself. He smoothly jumps to his feet and races out of the study he buried himself inside, rushing up the expansive staircase towards the passage of their bedroom.
He hesitates at the door, his arm frozen as it was outstretched in the air and his mind struggling to make itself up. "Why should I go in?"

It was Louis screaming without a doubt and it didn't sound very sensible either. Broken phrases and names muffled by the fabric of a pillow, so they were most likely triggered by his ill dreams.

"Why did I hear him then?" Harry hates his habit of talking to himself but it's what shoved him past the barrier of the door at this moment.

Louis was thrashing about on the bed - Edward's bed - and looked to be near death with the sheets strangling his body. Harry couldn't let him die, or at the very least hurt himself. He cared for this boy so much even if he's not sure about reciprocation as yet.

He broke the only rule he had with his older twin and grabbed ahold of the sheets clinging to Louis' body, suffocating him in his desperate attempts to break free. Harry sat on the very edge and yanked the coverings away, peeling Louis' body free of obstruction.

"Petal." He reached out tentatively but in Louis' sleep fit, his arm was slapped away. "Petal!"

Louis only woke up after Harry scooped him up like a child and ignored the pain of small beatings against his back, arms and chest. His head was secured and legs parted to bring him onto Harry's lap. When his eyes sprung open he was being held by Harry, lifted off the bed and whispered to in his red ear.

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