Serena 's First Day Of School

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This is the second part to my book I hope you all keep enjoying it now let's get into the chapter

-Serenas POV-

Hi my names serena I'm 17 years old and in junior year of high school. I have short honey blond hair and blue eyes. I also am wearing dark blue jeans and a white and blue striped t-shirt.

Today is my first day at my new high school Pokémon High, did I mention that in my world we have these beings called Pokémon. Pokémon are creatures that are all over the world and we humans are trainers who catch these Pokémon and make friends with them, some people train them to be the strong and battle and like the champion Diantha, and some people practice with there Pokémon to participate in contests and showcases. Anyway I talk to much now that we're here at my new high school let's go find the principle.

*While serena is walking towards the school she bumps into a boy* Hey! What was that for?

-Ash's POV-

*bumps into a girl* Maybe you should watch were your going! *Ash walks away from the girl.

-Serena ' s POV-

*watches the boy walk away*
Man what's his problem?

- ???'s POV-

*sighs* He's just like that let me help you up. * extends hand and helps the girl up* So whay might your name be? "My names Serena, what's your?" said Serena "My names Gary nice to met you." Said Gary "Are you looking for the principles office Serena?" Said Gary "Actually yes I am!" Said Serena
"Well your in luck Serena the principle happens to be my grandpa Prof. Oak I'll take you to meet with him." Said Gary

- Serena ' s POV-

*at Prof. Oaks office*
"Thanks Gary I really Apreciate thay you brought me here!" Said Serena "No problem Serena! See you later!" Said Gary *Serena walks into Principle Oaks office* "Hello Principle Oak my names Serena and I'm new here" said Serena "Ah Serena it's so nice to meet you, I'm assuming your here for your schedule?" Said Prof. Oak "yes I am Principle Oak" said Serena "Well here you are here's your schedule" said Prof. Oak *Prof. Oak hands serena her schedule* "Thank you so much Principle Oak" said Serena *serena walks out of Prof. Oaks office* "Hmm let's see what my classes are." Said Serena

-Serena ' s Schedule-

Battle class with Prof. Sycamore
Pokémon Types with Prof. Rowan
Pokémon Origins with Prof. Juniper
Breeding class with Prof. Brock

"Hmm looks like I have battle class first." Said Serena *Serena finds her way to Battle class and walks in* "Hello Prof. Sycamore I'm new here where can I sit?" Said Serena "Why hello Serena and you can sit where ever you would like." Said Prof. Sycamore *serena takes a seat beside Gary* "Hey Gary!" said Serena "Hey Serena!" Said Gary "Well class since Serena is a new student I would like her to battle Ash in a 1v1 Pokémon battle!" Said Prof. Sycamore "You want me to battle?" Said Serena "Yes I want to see your skills now follow me to the arena!" Said Prof. Sycamore *All the students followed Prof. Sycamore to the battle arena* "Good luck Serena Ash is no joke." Said Gary "I'm sure I'll be fine." Serena replyed

-Ash's POV-

*thinking* so Prof. Sycamore wants me to battle the new girl in a 1v1 Pokémon battle... let's see what she's made of *ash walks to the battle field* "So your Serena let's see what your made of" Ash said "Alright trainers bring out your Pokémon!" Prof. Sycamore said *Ash un clips a pokéball from his belt* "Infernape I chose you." Ash said while throwing the pokéball and releasing Infernape into a battle stance "Sylveon I need your help!" Said Serena while letting Sylveon out of its pokéball "Battle begin!" Prof. Sycamore shouted "Infernape use Mach punch" Ash said to his loyal companion. *Infernape ran at a blinding speed and used Mach punch you drill Sylveon into the ground* "That speed... Sylveon use Moon Blast!" Serena commanded. *Sylveon then proceed to use moon blast and launched it right at Infernape* Ash smirked. "What's so funny?" Serena asked "Oh nothing only that this battle is over" ash said flatly "What do you mean?" Serena asked "I mean this, Infernape Flare Blitz full power let's go!" *Infernape was then ingulfed in flame and charged at Sylveon with lighting speed, befor Serena could counter Sylveon was struck by Flare Blitz and was laying unconscious on the stadium floor* "Oh no Sylveon" Serena called to her companion "Good job Infernape... return" Ash said to his prideful Pokémon. *Infernape returned to his pokéball and Ash clipped the pokéball back onto his belt* "That match was a waste of my time Sycamore" ash stated and walked away.

-Serena ' s POV-

"What's his problem?" Serena asked
"Nobody knows" Gary replyed
"Then why does he act like that?" Serena asked
"It's because his mother was murdered infront of him when he was a little boy..." Prof. Sycamore awnsered
"What!?" Serena and Gary said
"Ash has had it rough.... he also has many secrets" Prof. Sycamore said
"Secrets?" Gary and Serena asked
"Yes secrets..." Prof. Sycamore said
"Can you tell them to us?" Gary and Serena asked
"No I can't" Prof. Sycamore replyed flatly

-Prof. Sycamore's POV-

They can't find out who Ash really I'd I promised him I would keep his identity a secret... besides Team Rockets to dangerous they must not know for there own safety.

-Serena ' s POV-

"Hey Gary are you going to introduce me to some of your friends?" Serena asked
"Sure Serena follow me" Gary replyed
*At Gray's friends lunch table*
"Hey guys I'd like you guys to meet Serena she's a new student in the school!" Gary said
"Hello everyone!" Serena said
"Hey Serena,my names Drew" Drew said 
"Hi girl I'm May" May said
"OMG a new girl to shop with, oh my bad my names Dawn" Dawn said
"Don't mind her, the names Misty pleasure to meet you" Misty said
"The names Paul..." Paul said
"Well its nice to meet you all!" Serena said
"So does anyone know what's up with Ash?" Gary asked
"What do you mean Gary? Ash never talks to us anyway" May replyed
"I know that May but he seemed different today he battled Serena with no effort at all and he called the battle a waste of his time" Gary stated
"That's weird even though Ash dosent talk to us he always loves to battle." Paul said .

-Ash's POV-
What a waste of time that battle was... why does Sycamore always have me battle the new students when I have to worry about team Rocket.... I don't have time to play games.... I have to make sure I stop team Rocket befor they hurt more people...

-After school-
-Ash's POV-

Man today was the biggest waste of my time I can't belive I had to do that today.... *just then Ash hears a scream and it sounds like Serena* what the hell that was Serena she could be in trouble I better go check it out *Ash goes to where he hears the scream and sees a team rocket grunt holding Serena hostage*
"Team Rocket let Serena go now!" Ash demanded
"Why should I?" The team Rocket grunt replyed
"Becuase I told you to!" Ash shouted

-Serena's POV-

I can't belive Ash is trying to save me maybe he's not that bad of a guy I just hope he can handle this weirdweird guy that he called team Rocket.... who's team Rocket anyway?... I'll have to ask Ash after this...

-Ash's POV-

"If you won't let her go I'll make you! Greninja help me out" Ash threw a Pokéball and out came a blue frog like Pokémon that stood at 6 feet tall just like Ash
"You think your greninja scares me? Come out Sceptile!" The Team rocket grunt shouted and let out a large tree like grass type Pokémon
"Big mistake Rocket grunt! Greninja Let'Z go!" Ash shouted then Greninja transformed and grew a large water shuriken on its back
"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!" the rocket grunt yelled
"This is the end of you Greninja use Ariel Ace GO!!!!" Ash commanded to his partner Greninja. Greninja was so fast that he disappeared when he started running then reappeared infront of Sceptile, then Greninja punched and kicked Sceptile with Ariel Ace and created a huge cloud of smoke. When the smoke cleared Greninja stood beside Ash with Serena in its arms and Sceptile lay on to ground unconscious.
"How!?" The rocket grunt said with anger
"That's none of your concern bit you should leave befor I make you" Ash said coldly
"Grrr I'll be back" the rocket grunt said befor suddenly disappearing
"Hey Serena are you alright?" Ash asked
"Ya I'm fine thanks for saving me Ash! But who's Team Rocket?" Serena asked
"Well its a long story..... but I suppose I can tell you" Ash awnsered...

-To be continued-

And there you have it that was chapter 2 I hope you all enjoyed please leave a comment and vote for this book see you in the next chapter ^-^

Amour/Further Shipper
See you all later ^_^

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2016 ⏰

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