Welp fak

7 1 2

(Yep the same pic cus that expresses mah feeling when im bored and with not a fucking idea what to write)
*sigh* welp i was without light for two day ;-; it's horrible!! No internet and no light for those two days, only two candles on my room... I only had a puzzle game... And since i don't have a sister or brother that is not out all day and aren't almost the same years as me I cant play vs anyone ;-; wish is the worst... Plus i cant draw cuz i cant see shit .-.

Im actually writing this the second day without light :3

Sooo im so bored....

(Two seconds later)

L-light came back!! ;=; im so happpy!

Now to play farcry4 till i get bored and fall asleep
-3in the morning- woop from 7% to 9% complete story..... Im sush a noob .-.

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