Chapter 32 - Going Home Where We Belong

Start from the beginning

Hunter smiled and held both of her hands in his, "no its OK Saber i'll tell you. When it happened I found her giving my father one last kiss when he was dying. When I made my presents known she looked at me, smiled and told me, "Hunter you must not hate all. There not all the same" and with that she laid back on my father and died then and there in front of me". 

Saber looked and him in shock then she squeezed his hands asking, "Hunter...How old are you?". hearing in laugh made her smile, "I'm 17 Saber". Saber giggled, completely forgetting about her ribs. Saber winced in pain holding her ribs leaning forward a bet. Hunter hugged her stroking her back, "Saber you need to get back into bed, your freezing and I don't want your father snapping my neck. Also the cold wont help your fever".

Saber nodded and took the braked off of her wheal chair. Hunter got behind her and started pushing her back to her room where Lazarus ordered her room to be a  specific  temperature. Hunter picked her up like she weighted nothing at all and but her to bed rapping her up in the blankets Lazarus brought. 

"Right Saber do you want anything to eat or drink?" Hunter asked standing at the side of her, "Can I have some hot chocolate or Coco please". Hunter smiled, nodded and walked out the room getting what he and Saber wanted. 



Saber yawned after waking up after her power nap. Hunter had brought her and him some Coco and drank together but after that Saber fell asleep.

Saber looked at the clock in her room, "Oh its 7pm they must be up by now" she thought out loud. Saber slowly and shakily got up on her feet, trying to walk to her wheal chair. However when she took 2 steps a voice make her jump, "Saber get back into ed now young Lady".

Saber jump seeing her Mama at the door. Saber suddenly felt very weak and her own legs could not support her weight. Before she could hit the ground Dawn rushed over to Saber and held her up before she reached the ground. Dawn but Saber in her wheal chair and looked at her, "Oh dear Saber your so pail have you had anything to eat?".

Saber shook her head no and leaned to her Mama resting her head on her chest, "I...I wo...". Dawn rapped her arms around Saber, "no Saber don't speak, will get your Papa so he can bring you some food. You have no energy Saber and you need food". 

Saber nodded shaking. Dawn was worried about her, "Dearest please come to Sabers room. I just caught her trying to walk and then her own legs could not support her weight but I caught her. She's so pail please bring some food to her room meat whatever anything to get her up and about again" she mind linked Lazarus panicking about Saber.

In seconds Lazarus replied, "on my way" and it was seconds that Lazarus was walking into Saber's room with a Bottle of blood for himself and Dawn and a meal for Saber. Saber opened her eyes and saw her Papa kneel down placing the food on the table next to him. 

Lazarus kissed Saber on the forehead and picked her up like a baby. Lazarus sat down on her bed as Dawn got the plate of food and sat down next to him cutting up the veg and meat into smaller pieces. The food looked lovely, a nice stake cooked to how Saber like it medium rear with some carrots, beans and mash potato. 

Lazarus rapped Saber up in blankets like a baby, while Dawn started feeding her. Saber didn't mind this at all, they did this once when her fever was bad at the age of 10. After she eat the meat and some of her veg and mash Saber could not eat no more. Lazarus picked her up and put her back into bed, as Eloy, Silver, Hunter, Molly and Joe entered her room.

"Saber I never thanks you or Hunter for saving Joe and bringing him back to me" Molly smiled happiness finally in her eyes again. Saber smiled saying a quiet, "your welcome Molly" but snuggled into Lazarus who was laying next to her.

Eloy and Silver hugged her tight, "are you OK Saber? Mother sounded worried a minuet ago". Saber smiled but rested her head on her Papas chest tired from everything all of a sudden. Lazarus saw this and rubbed Sabers head making her purr and her tail twitch from side to side, "She's a bit weak tonight my son, she hasn't had anything to eat so she a bit weak and plus Savage tells me she's entering the next stage so shill transform into her werecat form soon". 

Everyone nodded as Silver hugged Saber and Molly and Joe watching her, "you should of see her this morning, I've never see her so happy". Saber giggled forgetting about her ribs and winced because of the pain causing Lazarus to hold her towards him rubbing her back, "settle down my pet shhh"

Saber settled down smiling at Hunter, "I'm so happy that me and Joe are going home were we belong with the people we belong with".



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