Chapter 28 - Saber's Recovery Part 1

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The family all turned their heads towards the doctor that was walking to them. Hunter glanced at Eloy when he saw Eloy scowling and glancing at him.

"Sorry to keep you all waiting, but Saber needed at pit of surgery on her rips to help them heal. She has a broken wrist and bruising all over her body. However I do not understand where the dragon bits came from also I looked at the little boy Joe and he was being starved to death, where is his real mother he told me about what happened?"". Before anyone could respond Eloy attacked Hunter, but Hunter saw it coming and defended himself.

Saber heard all the noise outside, wondering whats going on she forced herself to get up trying to ignore the pain and walk to the door to see Hunter and Eloy really going at each others heads. She's never seen Eloy fight before and she wished she never did but Hunter seemed to fight just as well.

Dawn watched her son and Hunter fight as Lazarus tried to brake it up, "YOU HURT MY SISTER!!! I'LL KILL YOU...YOU DRAGON SCUM". However Dawn saw Saber walk to the door, and then she saw Saber coming out, "Saber?". Hearing that name being called Eloy and Hunter stopped there fist fighting and looked over to see Saber out of bed.

Worried Lazarus went over to her as did the doctor, "young child you cant be out of bed yet, your too injured" said the doctor worry clear in his voice. "I...I see...what...what all....the noise was...was about" Saber replied leaning on Lazarus who held her, "It's OK Saber, there wont be anymore fighting with these boys, because I hope Hunter can explain why there's dragon marks on you".

Unable to talk Saber only nodded as the doctor led her back to her bed. Lazarus stood up tall crossing his arms, "now with out fighting or bickering please tell me Hunter. What happened to Saber?".

Hunter nodded and reveled his story, "I was hunting for food when I saw Saber and the little boy Joe falling, I saw people watch her fall and smile as she did, but I went to catch her. I didn't mean to hurt her at all, I caught her with my mouth but she landed on my teeth. She forgave me when I told her this and also forgave me when I told her I was the one who bandage her up".

Dawn and Lazarus nodded there heads in understanding but Eloy just scowled, not able to take the dragon boy any longer we announced, "I'm going to see if Joe is OK and see if Silver is keeping an eye on him then I shall call Molly". with that he left.



Molly hugged and kissed Joe all over when Eloy call saying Joe was in France in the hospital, "Joe I'm so glad your safe". Joe hugged his mother back crying feeling loved and happy to be in his mother arms once again, "Mommy".

Dawn smiled at the cute scene, "I'm glad your happy again Molly and I trust you'll have your hands full". Molly turned round, "But as SIlver's nanny i must be there for her as well, its my j-". Dawn held her hand up to silence her, "don't worry i'm not saying you wont be able to do your job Molly. What i'm saying is that now your with Joe again you wont you wont have that hole in you heart".

Molly nodded her head smiling, understanding what Dawn is saying. She babysits Silver so much was because she didn't want feel alone, shamed, and UN-motherly. But now she has Joe she has the chance to be a mother once again and she wont feel lonely or a shames any longer.

Saber woke up from a large hand holding hers, with another stroked her cheek. At first she was scared because she thought she was dreaming about Hunter finder her, and her seeing her family again, but then she remembered that it was not a dream and she was where she belonged.

Slowly Saber opened her eyes to see Lazarus was the one holding her and stroking her and she also saw, Hunter who was glancing at Eloy and Eloy was glancing at Hunter. Saber moved her head to her Papa's hand as she purred, "Papa". When Lazarus eyes turned to her she noticed his eyes where orange not red.

Saber knew that Savage and her Papa have become one, but she has only seen that happen once before. Saber smiled and hugged her Papa causing him to lightly hug her sides, Saber heard him speak to her in his voice with Savgae's beast tone, "We're so glad your safe Saber. What did those things do to you?".

Saber shook her head singling she didn't want to talk about it yet. Saber noticed Lazaru's eyes turned silver meaning she was now talking to Savage, "Saber i'm glad your safe and sound my dear one, I or Lazarus will never let you out of our sight again, that's a promise".

With out Savage went back deep inside Lazarus, giving Lazarus complete control again, "yes we promise to always protect you Saber my pet". Saber giggled at him.

Saber then turned her head to Hunter and Eloy who were still glancing at each other giving each other death looks. Saber asked, "Hunter, Eloy what's going on between you 2". Both of them turned there head to head replying at the same time, "nothing" then going back to glancing back at each other then turning there head away from the other.

"Saber darling your OK" Saber smiled and Dawn rushed over to her giving her a light hug giving her kisses all over her face, "my sweet baby, I'm glad you OK". Silver ran over to Saber giving her a big hug but it was a bit too hard making Saber wince.

"I'm sorry Saber I just missed you", Silver frowned because she made Saber wince, Saber hugged her, "don't worry about it Silver I missed you all 2".



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