A Hidden Past

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When I was ten years old, they informed me of my purpose. I was chosen to become a pilot. This was thrilling news for my mother as she had been chosen as a pilot too. Being a pilot was one of the more exciting jobs someone born into the violet squadron could be given. Most of the other jobs were based on the development of transportation.
47 years prior to my birth, the first bomb dropped, hitting the old White House. America responded, decimating around five hundred people in the crosshairs within the first five months. After approximate a year of bloodshed, a group arose. The founders named themselves "the Keepers". They were here to look after the people without a side to fight for.
When I was twelve, I was recruited. My training was shorter than most of the others. By the time I turned fourteen, I was let into the field as the youngest in my sector. I enjoyed flying through the air, doing my best to protect everyone I could.

After a day of work, I began returning to base, only to find a battle. Though the smoke, it was impossible to tell any two people apart.

"You have to shoot them from the sky," the voice of my commander screeched through the communication console in my ship.
"I cannot comply.You are telling me to shoot at the people that I know with no explanation," I stuttered through my microphone.
He yelled, "You must obey the order!"
"If I shoot from here, there is no telling who I could kill!" I replied with tears in my eyes.
"Just do it, obey your orders," he commanded.
I soon decided and, without another thought, I pulled the trigger.
I murdered hundreds that day.

After that battle, every side of the war fell to pieces. Everyone was left to fend for themselves, until a familiar name rose from the ashes.
Lester Coasn. Before the war, Coasn had been trying to assassinate the current president. Everyone was so desperate and they required someone to guide them to a bright future.
Mr. Coasn had the resources to rebuild society in a better way, shut the future out from the past. No one born in this new society would ever know of the horrific past. He announced to the people that "Hiding the truth from the future generations will prevent a war like this from ever occurring again"
He gave the people hope that I had never seen in their eyes before and I thought I could go along with what he had planned but when he said that "To truly rid the world of its past, anyone who knew the truth would have to be cleansed," I realised that I would not be allowed to be part of his new society, I knew I had to go.

I flew as far away as I could.

That was when I found this little pocket of life that seemed unaffected by the war. A small island, the home I never thought I could have. Sometimes I regret leaving, but I knew that someone would have to tell the future about the past that they never thought they had. Even if that someone was a monster like me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2018 ⏰

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