Ch. 16- "A Little Less Conversation"

Start from the beginning

"Angie shouldn't have been in hiding in the first place, I don't know what everyone was thinking. I'm so happy to have someone I trust being around to show me the ropes."  I gave her my best mother like scowl.

"Don't blame me, those crazy broads were forever thinking people didn't understand their lifestyle.  I guess years of hiding can make you paranoid. Speaking of paranoid, I need your help this afternoon. There's a "hunk of the month contest" on the beach at two and your resort hosts it, Tye judged last month and there was a fistfight so he's banned from the next few.

Hayden was sure she was pranking me. "Hunk of the month?  Seriously?  I'm totally not falling for that!"

As she opened her mouth to rebut, a group  of girls all primped snd motioned cane waltzing in and sat at the table next to ours. One word a sash that said "Queen Beach."

Star greeted her snd winked at Hayden.  "It's not degrading Hayden, people love it. This here is Shaunta. Queen of last months Queen of the beach contest. She's an entomology  major and came to the island to study some sort of bug.  The thousand dollars she won gave her a little padding and the title all the bragging!"

The girls giggled and the Queen stood and did a slight Ms. America wave while squealing. "And I will be a fair and impartial judge of the Hunk of the month, but I don't promise not to ogle!" 

The other girls burst into a round of snap applause and giggles.  Star applauded old school style with two hands.

As Hayden tried to think of a way out, Star's eyes glimmered and she whispered "double dog dare ya friend. Meet some people, have some fun for God's sake, Dee didn't regret a single moment. She would've been all over this."

Hayden nodded, a warm flush rising on my cheeks. She could watch a bunch of guys parade around half naked and remain professional. It's not like she was a sex starved teen. At least, the teen part was true.

My omlet landed in front of her all warm and filled with veggies. It was cooked perfectly and the smell of the grilled vegetables had heads turning her way. People filtering in pointed to her table when ordering and soon egg white omlets were flying out of the kitchen.

Hayden couldn't help but feel smug that She knew what she was talking about with the food. People want taste and health and there's no reason they couldn't get it here.  Her smugness didn't last long though, as a trio of men came sauntering through in tiny shorts and tanks that made her mouth hang open like a broken shutter.

Budging biceps and oiled up pecs filled the crevices of her mind and it was Stars turn to look smug. "So, I'm guessing you're in?"

With a gulp of coffee for courage, she nodded. Somehow she could get used to this beach scene. Reluctantly, she left the hub of activity and made a mental note to take a vow of professionalism. Men were not meat or pretty things. They were individuals with feelings and aspirations and.... As she stepped into the elevator with she couldn't help bumping into a guy and his short board. His smile was glowing and his yellow bleached out dreads bounced when he walked.

"We're gonna have a blast today baby aren't we?" 

Hayden rolled her eyes "excuse me?"

"Oh, I was talking to Bertha. My board. Sorry, my bad."

She kept her deep shade of "embarrassed blush" all through the morning and couldn't wait to spend the few hours before the beach contest getting geared up for the contest and practicing closing her mouth.

When she finally got into the shelter of her new suite it was an amazing feeling. It felt new, and fresh, and like it was meant for her. It may have been small and tucked in a corner, but it was totally a zone of comfort.

She called Warren and gave him the new location. And he lifted her spirits even more by saying his meeting went well. Apparently the lawyer who had helped Mason with the paperwork for gaining part of the resort was under indictment and that could work in their favor if Mason really wanted a battle.

She felt a little like Rocky and wondered when the other shoe was going to fall, and scolded herself for always preparing for the bad things. Instead, Her eyes glanced around the new room and didn't even mind that Angie had hung an Elvis clock in the kitchen. Truth was it was almost weird not seeing him anywhere after so many days of immersion.

She put on a baby blue sundress and some sandals with colorful small stones covering the leather straps and put her hair in a loose fishtail braid weaving in a few sprigs of lavender.

When the knock at the door came she tried to take her time to get to it. No reason to make him think she had been waiting.

A little less conversation was put out by Elvis in 1968. Since the it's been re-done several times by various authors because it's fabulous.

Hayden seems to be getting her groove and with Angie at the wheel I feel
Like things are looking up. Way up with that junk contest. It's gotta be easy right? Hahaha. Stay tuned!

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