“Who … Who are you ?”

“I’m your guardian angel”

She laughed and look at the stranger , who just said a very weird thing . Guardian Angel ? Like really ? She turned her face on him again , and he nodded . Like he can read her mind or something , she felt so strange with his presence , it was so peaceful and quiet.

“Ok , I’m serious , who are you ? and how did you get into my room ?”

He scratch his head , like he’s trying to tell her that what he said a while ago was all true .

“Didn’t you hear me ? I’m you’re Guardian angel . The one that protects and looks after you.”

Peyton was getting to be pissed off with the guy .

“Look , if you’re just here to piss me off . or William told you to be here to make me pissed off , but can you just get out of here , before I call the cops .”

“Huh ? William ? I told you already . And why did you even asked for me ? if you want me to get out and leave you ? You confuse me”

“wait … What ? asked for you ?”

She remembers the wish she did while on her Spanish class , but she didn’t know that it will all come true , and she didn’t expect that Guardian Angels are true , cause she just believe that there are no such things . She freaked out , and pushed the guy away and grabbed the car keys and drove to a Café .

She got out of the car , and saw the guy standing near the café door . He just changed his clothes , he’s now wearing a leather jacket , a v-neck shirt inside of it , pair of skinny pants and he even wears a fedora this time . She rubbed her eyes and she thinks to herself ~ He’s too hot to be an Angel~ She goes to him and kicked his leg.

“Owwww! What’s the for ?!”


She entered the café but the mysterious guy was at the back of her and kinda followed her .

“ok ! Stop it ! QUIT IT!”

“Are you gonna order some coffee?”

“Why are you even here ? huh?”

“I’ll just order our coffees and I’ll talk to you later , and now find a seat for us .”

“what the ?!”

He shut her up by putting her index finger in the front of her lips .

“Fair trade Coffee , no milk but with sugar right ?”

“how did you ?”

“you’re average drink right ? you want it ? I’ll pay for it .”

“are you really stalking me ?”

He smiled and stated their orders . Peyton look’s for a table near the window , and sits . She looks at the guy who was smiling and was talking to the girl at the cash register , she looks at the two of them and the girl was laughing and the guy would gently open his eyes for the girl to smile so big , and even blushing .

Peyton rolls her eyes . And the guy arrived with two cups in his hands . She took the cup with a very cute handwriting of her name at it . She stares at the guy while he was sitting at the chair that faces to her .

“Hey , aren’t you gonna drink it ? I flirted with that girl just to make it very special.”

“ flirted ? I knew it ! you’re one of William’s friend ! but I haven’t saw you before”

Your Guardian Angel ( Patrick Stump Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now