How you met Ethan. Pt 2.

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Silently. You stood there looking at the piece of paper in your hands, with the number written in sloppy writing.  You couldn't believe it.  Ethan dolan,  out of all people gave you, y/n, his number!  You didn't know if you should text him yet.  You figured they were still gmdoing the meeting and greet so you decided to wait a few hours. 
After watching a few movies and eating some snacks,  you decided to text him.  Grabbing your phone off the night stand, you put in his number.  You started typing.

You:  Heyy!!  So we met today at the meet and greet and I noticed you gave me your number.  Just wanted to say thanks and ask why?
Ethan: hiieee!  I was wondering when you were gonna text me!  I gave you my number bc like I said,  your adorable 😁
You: I'm still in shock from meeting you tbh. Btw, you smelled really good lol.
Ethan: I'm in shock from how beautiful you are. & thank you!  I get that a lot lol.
You: booyy stahp hahah & your welcome lol. So how was the rest of the meet and greet?? 
Ethan: it was great! I love seeing all of you guys and having your support!
You: awwww I'm happy you love us so much! 
Ethan: me and gray wouldn't be here if it wasn't for all you beautiful fans!  And I was thinking... We should hang out sometime because I would love to get to know you more. 
You: that would be amazing (: well I hate to cut this convo short but Iv had a long day and I need some sleep!  So Gn Ethan 🌛.
Ethan: okay I'll let you know tomorrow. Text me your address in the morning. We will be here for a few days so it works out perfect! And Gn beautiful. 


So that was kinda lame.  It was just a filler lol. But let me know what you guys think.  Should I continue this imagine or make a new one?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2016 ⏰

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