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The first school day in the new year was kinda shit but turned out to be exciting and may I say hurtful for another specific person, I think you know whom I'm talking about. I wanted to wear the jumper Dan gave me even though Christmas was over, but my mum refused to let me since I had worn it almost everyday since xmas, washed it every 2 or 3 days and blow dried it if it wasn't dry when I needed it to be. Man I was a little stubborn and eager in showing my appreciation of a present. But how I said I felt like it was my main function in life to make Dan happy, as a kid. I should've kept that the same over the years and looking back I think it kind of was my fault too. Which is something I don't like to talk about until today, but I'm not gonna spit it out now...

Dan's pov: As usual we went to our classroom and sat down, same lesson, same teacher as every Monday morning. Jules was always walking ahead of me, like a protecting shield, trying to keep me safe from the bullies, the words and hate they threw towards me everyday. Ok, I gotta admit I didn't have the worst conditions to survive this year of school, I at least had one friend, and Barry the poor kid had no one, I didn't understand why they bullied him. He was quite nice and friendly to be honest, but since I did not want to sink into this even more I just kept my mouth shut.

English lessons were first today, mrs Kendra entered the room and silenced the boys that were trying to make me mad with throwing little paper balls at me, and saying 'Ey, Tom look how the paper balls get stuck in his ugly untamed hair, looks like a hidgehog. Poor guy Smith can't even afford a hair brush.' and then they'd laugh their asses off, childish bastards. To my luck Jules said something, 'It's hedgehog and not hidgehog you idiot and now shut up.' and then picked the paper balls out of my messy mass of hair. I mumbled a quiet thank you and looked up at her shortly, blushing a little. She always stood up for me, and I did not even know why she stayed with me during lunchbreak instead of going to her other, way more popular friends. I guess I was lucky.

But today that would change.

Jules' pov: Since it was January and it had snowed all over England, which didn't happen every Winter (hope I'm correct there xd) we didn't go out for lunch but stayed in the cafeteria that was inside the school building. Dan was eating his lunch, taking a mouthful and still talking to the point it got incomprehensible, like he always did and I was sat there holding my sandwich, trying to understand what he told me while trying to eat and not laugh at the same time. Quite hard tbh. That was until Sahra came round the corner and pulled my attention towards her. I gotta admit, I wasn't too sure if I had a thing for her or just found her incredibly gorgeous, anyways I was drawn to her and tried to swallow the remaining pieces of sandwich that were left in my mouth as quick as possible when I saw she was smiling at me and heading right towards us.

She bent down, showing her cleavage just a little too much for my likings and said 'Hey, Jules right? Are you free today?'

I replied, wide eyed ' uhm yes sure, why?'

'I heard a little something from Milly, and I think we should talk about it, you know in private.'

Shit, Milly another good friend of mine must have slipped my big, and only secret I didn't share with Dan to Sahra. With a racing mind, I could do nothing but nod and smile.

'Alright, see you after school then.' She said and winked at me. I think my stomach flipped, and I didn't know whether I liked it or not.

' what the hell was that?' Dan said looking at me, a little amused and confused at the same time.

'I think, I got a date today.' I said, internally freaking out but hiding it on the outside. In my peripheral vision I may have seen Dan's smile fade and his mouth form into an o shape but I was too excited to notice.

'Wait, you like girls?' Dan asked a few seconds later.

'uhm, I don't know, maybe.'

'Oh,... why didn't you tell me?'

'I just felt like, talking about it with a girl first would be better so I told Milly, but she seemed to have let it get through to Sahra, who I might or might not have a crush on. I'm sorry Dan, you were next to know anyways but since I'm not sure at all I-'

'It's ok.' Dan said interrupting me. And got up. Holding out a hand for me to take.

' We should head to French now, break's almost over.'

I took his hand and let him help me up still a little flustered about his reaction, but I mean, I thought he was only a little surprised...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2016 ⏰

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