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Author's note: you should definitely listen to Promise by Ben Howard while reading this :)
It all started in July 1986, to be exact on July 14th. When a little bundle of joy opened its eyes for the first time. His mother named him Daniel. Oh how many times I've said this name. Happy, sad, angry, bored- he's always been there.

Back in 1986 but ten days later I opened my eyes for the first time, just one room further down the hall. And that was how we met. Well our parents did, they developed a friendship, and over the years, we did too.

We grew up in London, same neighbourhood, same kindergarten, same primary school. First kiss shared at the age of five, not knowing what the hell we were doing, blushing like a tomato looking at the picture that was captured in the second our lips met-10 years later at the age of fifteen. Dan often hung around at my place after school on the weekends and just whenever he felt like it. We even had a treehouse, near his place. And we always celebrated Christmas with the Smith's for all 18 years of our childhood. He was my world and I was his, a true best friend is something so rare and I was more than lucky to have found this person in Dan. Until our holy beloved world crushed into a million pieces, also known as our hearts, but let's start at the beginning.

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