Harry glanced at the far left of the table : Sam was looking down, arms crossed, his eyes glued to the table like he was trying to bore a hole into the dark wood. Dean nudged him in the ribs and he nodded sharply, running a hand over his face and through his hair.

"Investigations are ongoing, and any useful information will be transmitted to you in due time ; but in the meantime, I will ask of each and everyone of you to stay safe and be watchful. No one should be wandering alone until further notice : walk in pairs, or ask for a teacher to accompany you. Do not loiter in the corridors in-between classes. I must also insist that you respect the 10pm curfew, which is now mandatory and shall remain as such until we find out who is to blame for yesterday's events.

Regarding today's lessons, fear not : I am pleased to announce that Mr Winchester acquainted me of his wish to maintain this morning's Hunting class, which you will be able to attend and enjoy as usual. I am certain that I can trust all of you to be considerate and behave civilly, so as not to wear him and his brother out any further."

Dumbledore smiled kindly and sat back down.

"I guess I owe you a Sickle" Harry said to Ron, trying to sound grumpy.

"I guess you do" Ron replied with a smug smile. "Don't worry, it will serve noble purposes."

Hermione shook her head in disbelief. "Did you two really bet on whether or not Sam would be well enough to teach ? Do you realize how disrespectful and insensitive that is ?"

"Calm down Hermione, it's just for fun" Ron said, rolling his eyes.

"That poor guy... I still think this is a bad idea ; he should take some rest"

"You talk about him like he's your child" Harry noted in an amused voice. "But I have to say, I'm surprised at his decision too."

"Honestly though, I really hope they catch the psycho who did this as soon as possible. I won't feel safe until they do. Going after Muggles... You know, it reminds me of the Basilisk in second year" Ron said, suddenly frowning. "Do you think it's possible ? Another one of You-Know-Who's Horcruxes ?"

"I don't think so..." Hermione replied skeptically. "Harry killed the Basilisk years ago. Also, if it was another Horcruxe, Sam would probably be dead by now. A Horcruxe wouldn't leave the job half done, it would make sure that it's making a point !"

"True, but still... It does sound like something a Slytherin would do, doesn't it ? Maybe one of them got possessed, like Ginny was ?"

Harry shifted in his seat. Ever since he got back from the scene of the accident yesterday evening, something had been bothering him, nagging him from the corner of his brain. Long after his classmates fell asleep, he was still tossing and turning in his bed, trying to figure it out... "Is it really possible ?". He wanted to tell his friends, but he didn't know how, and breakfast time was over anyway. They left the Hall, and he promised himself to grab Ron and Hermione before lunch to fill them in.

When they entered the large classroom, the Winchesters and Castiel were already there, obviously engaged in a serious discussion, considering how fast their heads shot up when the door slammed open. Everyone sat down in silence, and Harry couldn't help but notice how Castiel was looking at them, cold blue eyes sweeping slowly over their heads, like he suspected every single person in this room to be guilty. Standing still next to the blackboard, he watched over them like he was Sam and Dean's personal security guard.

While Sam was rummaging through his notes, Dean took a step forward, his face grave.

"Alright. Before we start, I just wanna say something : we're aware that your teachers are trying to take care of whatever happened, but we know things that they don't, and tracking down nutjobs is kind of our field. So if any of you saw or heard anything strange last night, or even today, please come tell us. Weird noises, weird smells, any small thing that you can't really explain... Or even if you have an idea, a theory about what could've happened, no matter how crazy or stupid you think it sounds, drop a dime. You never know. It might help us in ways you'd never have imagined."

"Welcome to your first Hunting class"(Supernatural // Harry Potter crossover)Where stories live. Discover now