7. Encounter with Chris.

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As hard as I try to concentrate while brushing my hair, my mind wandered to the time when I saw Shay so angry because of my haircut! and the way he reacted next day. Then next thing which disturbed me was the unusual feeling around him, it really felt like there was something wrong, something he kept away from me.

Then our little trip, the way he was so impatient after that call and looked as if something was really wrong with him. Well maybe I am just over thinking.

I style my hair in a messy bun, while placing a pause on my over thinking brain I decided to go down and make breakfast.

Chris was comfortably seated on the couch in the living room, reading newspaper.

As I walked towards kitchen he grabbed the newspaper and followed me.
I started lazily walking towards the shelf grabbing necessary things and placing them on the counter.

"So Chris, what was so important?" I ask without looking at him. While pouring the water in the utensil and switching on the gas.

He sighs. And I stop with my cooking and turn around to face him.

"Cera, I know you feel like I don't approve of your relationship but there are certain reasons why I don't like that guy." He stops and looks at me trying to gauge my reaction before continuing, "Well before you start defending him, again.. I would like to ask few questions.. Can I?"

"Do I have any other option?" I reply raising my eyebrows.

I take the packet of noodles releasing all its contents inside the boiling water while adding the taste maker as Chris stands back leaning against the door watching me cooking.

"Good, Now let's begin with what actually happened, in the mall that day?"he asks his hands crossed across his chest.

"I'm not surprised you know about that incident and you probably know about everything that happened, so I don't find a point in repeating it."

"For once in life, will you stop and answer me nicely?" He almost yells at me.

"Okay..calm down..! What I think is, even He doesn't approves of us. And then he was quite uncomfortable with you.. So he just behaved like that way.." I reply while trying to defend Shay.

"I don't think I asked you to defend him, I just asked, What Happened, if I remember correctly.." He replies looking straight towards me.

"Chris..I know Aisha must have told you whatever happened.. Now just come to the point please. I'm sick of all this.." I reply while continuing my cooking.

"Point? Okay, even I am sick of all this, look Cera, Aisha was very upset when she came to me and told me whatever incident took place there, Now, I feel like you owe me an explanation for it."

"Right. Explanation? Well,Shay was just insecure well mostly because of his past awful relationship but he told me that he won't ever repeat that ever again, I proved him a point, I am not like his ex and that's it, End of the discussion." I reply glaring at him. And while crossing my hands across my chest and leaning against the kitchen counter.

He raises an eyebrow at me and steps forwards towards the dining table.

I turn around switch the gas off and serve the noodles in the bowl, holding them in tray, I walk towards the dining table.

"By the way you aren't going on holiday with him?"he asks

"No, his dad, he has poor health, so he is going to stay with him" I reply while placing the bowls at the dining table.

"His dad?" He chuckles while he takes his seat.

"What's so amusing in it?" I reply while I settle down.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2021 ⏰

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