Chapter 10

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Kenya was taking a fast paced jog around the pack territory. The lycan was multitasking, firstly getting out and seeing all the new sights built around the wolf land, and secondly fulfilling her promise to Alex by taking a long run for herself, yet at the same time, patrolling and keeping an eye on her pack members.

Bruno was still out. Last she heard, he was taking Anthony's mate somewhere safe and secure, so no one could get to her or her infant son. But maybe he wasn't an infant so much as a toddler now, making Kenya realize that she'd missed so much in just a year.

She passed by a farmer's market on Magazine Street, smiling at a few familiar faces and greeting them. She rounded another corner and passed by a few street performers singing an old tune that Kenya recognized.

Just then, a small gust of wind blew by and a familiar scent passed through her nostrils - the lycan instantly knew that someone was following her. Kenya didn't want to alarm anyone or cause any suspicion, so she continued sprinting in the direction of St. Joseph Street. When Kenya got the chance, she turned into an empty alley and hid behind a nearby garbage can, waiting silently. She could smell the same intoxicating scent of cigarettes with a hint of cinnamon, that was the tell the attacker had. As soon as she heard footsteps, Kenya readied herself, and when the time came, she jumped out and pinned the stalker to the garbage can.

"You know, from what I can remember, you were never this stupid," Kenya spat at the hybrid vampire, Halsey.

"Ha! Hardly stupid, just curious," She replied in a sassy tone.

"I'd say stupid because I knew you were following me three blocks ago," Kenya growled while tightening her grip on Halsey's jacket, "So now that we've established that you're a horrible spy, what is it that you want, Halsey?"

"You know, I'd feel more inclined to speak if I wasn't being manhandled." Kenya rolled her eyes, but released the hybrid. The blue-haired girl clenched her fists by her sides and continued to say, "I heard rumors about your pack, so I wanted to come and see if the rumors were correct."

"What rumors?" Kenya tilted her head in confusion.

"A vampire is saying that he killed your Alpha; word is spreading that you guys are down a leader and that you're weak."

Kenya glared before grabbing Halsey by the throat. "You wanna know if we're weak?" Kenya questioned furiously. She was aware that Anthony was missing, but she just assumed that he was following after Isabella or that he was somewhere safe. He couldn't be dead, though. He couldn't be.

However, just in case, Kenya couldn't take the chance of Halsey spreading the word of a missing Alpha, knowing it would invoke chaos. "Tell your friends that their information is wrong; that the alpha of this pack is still alive and well. And don't forget to mention that I'm back, and that - if any of them try anything - I'll mount their asses on a wall."

Halsey spat in the Lycan's face, causing Kenya to stumble away from her. The hybrid adjusted the front of her jacket and narrowed her eyes at her enemy. "You can't tell me what to do. I don't care if you're the leader around here or not. You could be the fucking Queen of England for all I care and I still wouldn't listen to you."

Kenya shook her head while Halsey went to walk away, and the she wolf whispered, "And you wonder why no one will take you in." Halsey heard the comment and stopped in her tracks. She circled around and ambushed the wolf.

"What did you just say?" Halsey inquired, her eyes wild. But Kenya didn't care, in fact, it made her smirk, knowing that she got under Halsey's skin. The hybrid pushed Kenya but she didn't budge, so the cross breed bum rushed the she wolf into the nearest wall. "Answer me!" She yelled.

Kenya chuckled and pushed Halsey away from her. "Why repeat it, when I know you heard me? You know, Halsey, you haven't changed after all this time. How could you? You're immature, reckless, and incredibly desperate."

"You take that back," Halsey commanded angrily.

Kenya shook her head. "From what I hear, this whole thing you've got going on with the vampires is about revenge. God, you're so predictable and childish that you don't even see that you're only hurting yourself."

"Fuck you!" Halsey screamed, "You don't know what it's like to be cast out, for people to turn their back on you. Maybe it's because everyone's too scared of you."

"Or maybe I know how to make people stay." Kenya delivered a low blow, knowing the hybrid was lonely and playing off of her emotions, but the lycan twin realized her mistake too late.

Tears flooded the hybrid's eyes. "You're a horrible person, Kenya, absolutely horrible. And I have no idea why my mom would ever befriend a monster like you. You do nothing but talk people down to make yourself feel better about who you are. But you're no better than me, or any of us."

"Your mom?"

"What? She didn't tell you?" Halsey snapped before scoffing and shaking her head, "Of course she didn't tell you. Why would she?"

"I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be friends with anyone in your family."

"Really? Rachael isn't your friend?"

"Rachael who?"

Halsey's eyebrows knit together. "What do you mean 'Rachael who'? She's your stubborn best's where I get it from."

"Look, I have no idea who you're talking about," Kenya confessed, trying to rack her brain for answers but finding nothing.

"See? This is why you're a monster. You forget about anyone who turns against you, who isn't on your side and fighting your battles for you."

"What? I wouldn't turn on any of my friends."

"Well that's a lie if I've ever heard one," Halsey scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest and averting her gaze to the side.

"Halsey, I don't forget people, so believe me when I say that I don't have any friends named Rachael."

"And I don't want to murder you right now," She replied sarcastically.

"Grow up," Kenya scorned, "Look, if I saw her, maybe I'd recognize her."

Halsey rolled her eyes and pulled out a wallet size photo from her back pocket, handing the picture to Kenya. The wolf snatched the faded paper from Halsey and looked at it closely. It was a picture of her mother and father, the two of them holding each other close. Who Halsey claimed to be Rachael wore a white dress, and the man standing beside her was wearing a tuxedo. They were standing underneath a tree, smiling at each other. The side profile was enough for Kenya to recognize the two, though.

"I fought her earlier on," She recalled while turning her attention to the man, "And your dad is the demon possessed clan leader?"

"Possessed? No, he's not possessed. He's just a narcissistic asshole."

"You don't know, do you?" Kenya shook her head, not surprised that she was out of the loop. "A demon's using your dad's body," The she wolf explained while giving the picture back then walking away.

"Well you want to know something?" Halsey shouted out to her, slowing the lycan in her tracks but not stopping her. "The rumor I told you about earlier, isn't a rumor! It's true! Your Alpha's dead!"

Kenya turned around and glared at the girl, not without noticing the glances they were receiving from strangers on the street. The wolf sighed and rushed up to Halsey, asking in a whisper, "Are you trying to expose yourself?"

"Maybe it's about time I do. I'm sick of hiding behind a lie, like you."

"Ashley, knock it off!" Kenya commanded.

The girl stuck her finger in the werewolf's face, casting a quick spell that sealed her lips shut. "Don't you dare call me by that name. You don't deserve to call me that name." Kenya tried responding, but it was as if her lips were glued together. Halsey dropped her hand and glared at the werewolf. "I know my dad doesn't have a fighting chance against you, Kenya, but I'm going to do everything in my goddamn power to make him win, because I want you dead. For real this time." And with that, the hybrid turned on her heel and strode away, leaving the speechless Lycan behind.

~BOOK 3/PART TWO~ Paranormal: A Vampire's Time Is Now (Multi-Bandom FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now