We both sit on the floor of his lounge, leaning against the sofas. Madonna is snoring on her bed when Sam pops open a cold bottle of white wine. He fills two tall, skinny glasses and offers me one.

"This is very, expensive, strong wine so if we don't pace ourselves we may get very drunk" Sam warns cheekily. "But, cheers to you my Poppet. You are amazing, strong, beautiful and nobody deserves that job promotion more than you."

"Thank you Sam" I smile, taking the glass from his fingers. I take a small sip and cough a little, wow it really is strong.

"This sweet and sour pork is heaven" Sam says with a mouthful of food. "Why don't we eat Chinese more often?"

"Probably because it makes us fat" I giggle.

"Who cares, I will be fat and happy" he shrugs. "So, Poppet" he begins. "I think I know what we should do." I lift an eyebrow. "Friend therapy."

"Friend therapy?" I ask, whilst swallowing as much fried rice as I can at once. It is ridiculously delicious.

"Yes" he nods. "We will share our most honest thoughts with each other, about anything at all. Every time we share something, we take a sip of the wine. Whatever we share between each other doesn't get repeated to anyone. You can say whatever your feeling, don't overthink it. Just say it how you feel."

"I'm not going to be very good at that" I answer.

"Yes, because you're too nice and all of your feelings bottle up" Sam smiles at me. "But that is why I love you. Now, I shall start."

Oh Lord, here we go.

"Arnica" he states.

"What about her?"

"She has turned into the biggest bitch I have ever met."

I choke on my rice as he says this.

"Sometimes I feel like saying to her - The entire world doesn't revolve around you and what Gucci shoes you should wear. You are a mother fucking drama Queen who spends way too much money and pretends to be nice, but really isn't." He pauses, seeing my shocked expression. "Wow, that felt really good to say out loud."

He takes a large sip of his wine, as do I.

"I had no idea you felt like that" I can't help but giggle at the large smile on his face.

"You're turn."

"Xavier" I state.

"Oh, this will be good" Sam says, putting more noodles in his mouth. 

"I love him, more than anything" Sam nods understandingly. "But sometimes, he is such a dick! His bipolar emotions make me want to punch him in the face."

"Yes Queen!" Sam raises his glass. "Now sip."

We both do, swallowing more alcohol.

"Tom fucks me off so bad when he doesn't tell me what's going on with the gang, he just acts like a grumpy asshole" Sam declares.

"I know how that feels!" I tell him as he refills our wine glasses. "They never tell us anything!"

"Right?!" Sam says, as we both reach for the chicken wings. "Fucking assholes."

"Fucking assholes" I agree, we clink our chicken wings together like you would wine glasses.

"Cheers to us, we are fucking amazing" Sam announces.

"I wish you weren't gay. I would totally marry you" I tell him, with more sweet and sour pork in my mouth. "You would be the best husband."

"I wish I wasn't gay as well" Sam groans. "You can just become a man and then we will both leave our shitty gangsters and marry each other."

"It's probably easier for you to become less gay than for me to became a man" I swallow more wine at the same time as he does. "But, I would totally become a man for you if you let us get married in Bora Bora."

"Yes! Bora Bora!" Sam agrees. "I would be a great husband to you, I would listen, I would be kind, I wouldn't forget to pick you up. We could go shopping all the time!"

"Oh my gosh, you're right" I exclaim. "Please be my husband."

"We are officially husbands!" Sam answers, a large grin on his face.

"Are we interrupting?" A voice speaks. I know that voice.

Sam and I both turn our heads, Xavier and Tom stand rather confused in the doorway as they stare down at us.

"Yes, actually you are" I tell them sternly. "My husband and I are getting married" Sam nods, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"We are divorcing you both because you are fucking assholes."

"Fucking assholes" I agree, giggling stupidly like he does.

"How much wine have you had?" Xavier tilts his head, examining with me with those dark eyes like he always does.

"Only one glass" Sam answers. "Or five, I can't remember. But we also bought Chinese."

"Yes" I add. "Konichiwa!"

"Konichiwa!" Sam returns my goofy smile as we clink our glasses together again.

"Firstly, that's Japanese, not Chinese" Tom responds, to which Sam scoffs. "Secondly, you are both very drunk."

"Very drunk" Xavier agrees with Tom, I narrow my eyes at him, a look which he returns.

"You, left me in the rain" I point a finger at my fiancé. "Konichiwa my ass."

"Yes, Konichiwa her ass" Sam clicks his fingers in a sassy manner. "Don't mess with my husband, she is a bad ass."

Xavier lifts an eyebrow, Tom just looks at us blankly.

"Grace" Xavier attempts to step towards me, but Sam pulls me closer into his side. "Can I please take you home, to our bed?"

"Nope" I smile innocently when an unimpressed look forms on his face. "I'm very happy, right here, on this comfy carpet."

"My comfy carpet" Sam wriggles his eyebrows at Xavier as he says this.

"What are we going to do with them?" Tom sighs, running a hand through his blonde hair.

"I have no idea" Xavier sits on the sofa beside him.

I giggle with Sam.

"Hey, you guys can join in on our group therapy session!"

"Yayyy" Xavier responds sarcastically. 

He doesn't actually look very excited.

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