Chapter Four

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The whole world feels like it's crumbled down around me. Everything I knew, everything I had thoroughly planned out and thought through isn't important anymore.

I just got my dream job at one of the biggest law firms in the country. I've barely been there a year and I worked so hard throughout college to have the opportunities I do now.

Xavier doesn't want to have children. He's told me that so many times and to make matters worse, he's more stressed out than usual. Plus, we're getting married in less than two weeks.

Could my luck get any worse?

"Oh Grace" I don't realise I'm sobbing until Arnica wraps her thin arms around me, squeezing me tightly. "Everything's going to be okay."

"What if he leaves me?" I whisper as she frowns. "He'll be so angry... He's going to hate me."

"Xavier would never hate you, he adores you." She reassures me softly and wipes more fallen tears from my cheeks. "He'd never leave you Grace."

"What do I do?" I'm barely able to stand, I'm shaking that much. "I don't know what to do or how to tell him."

"I'm going to help you get ready at my house. Xavier can come and pick you up and you can have a nice romantic dinner and tell him afterwards. You have to tell him today, the longer you leave it the worse it'll be when he finds out."

"I'm scared" I admit honestly and she nods, whispering a quiet "I know."


"Okay" Arnica smiles reassuringly a few hours later. "You look beautiful." The dress she chose is simple but nice, it end just above my knees and hugs the curves I'm usually insecure about. If I wasn't freaking out so much, I might be able to appreciate it more than I am right now. "Xavier will be drooling when he sees you."

"I don't think - "

Noah opens the door and strolls in, pausing when he sees us both. "Woah - you look really nice Grace" Arnica grins at me confidently when I send him a small smile in return. "Xavier's here now."

"Oh God, I can't do this" Arnicas face falls and Noah looks beyond confused. "I think I'm going to be sick" I admit. I've never felt scared telling Xavier things before but right now, I couldn't be more terrified.

"Just stick to the plan" Arnica grips my shoulders. "You look amazing, Xavier loves you - everything will be fine. I promise."

"Am I missing something?" Noah asks, staring at us both as Arnica looks at me and then back at him. "It's just dinner."

"Um " I nod when she asks silently if she can continue. I know he'll find out from her anyway. "Grace is pregnant."

At first Noah's face is blank, then shock becomes evident as a small smile widens on his lips.

"Congratulations" he says, but I can see the same look on his face that I must share - uncertainty.

Xavier's obviously shared his opinion of not wanting kids to Noah as well at some point.

"I'll walk you to the door" he says. Arnica hugs me one last time, wishing me good luck again.

I'm thankful Noah's here, he knows Xavier better than anyone else I know. "What do you think he's going to do?" I ask quietly, nervously.

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