Chapter Three

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Katelynn's P.O.V.

I shut the door in awe. That man was so straight forward and...demanding! But as well as being so mysterious. I didn't even know the man's name for crying out loud. Am I really going to spend the night with him?

I began to take off my work clothes as I kept thinking. I mean I don't know anything about him yet he makes me feel so safe. But at the same time he makes me nervous and insecure! The way he looks at me causes my cheeks to heat up and head fall to the floor.

I took off my black t-shirt and stripped myself of my bra. I slipped my body through his rather soft shirt. I began to rid myself of my black pants until I noticed how short the shirt went. It made its way down to about mid-thigh but kinda pushing my limits. I don't want to look like a slut. Oh my.

At the thought I started to panic again. My breathing became shallow and I found it hard to stand up straight. I gripped the sink amd turned the water on, splashing some on my face. It didn't work! I tried to say shucks but all I got out was a high-piched grunt.

I slid down to sit on the floor, panting. The door swung open and the man I just met looked at me wide-eyed. "Katelynn! What's goin on!" He screamed at me. He sounded very upset.

I grabbed my chest and tryed to mimmic what was happening. But I don't even know what is happening! I huffed trying to use words but slammed opmy hands the floor in frustration.

I couldn't breathe properly, I began wheezing desperately needing air in my lungs. "Can you breathe alright? Do you have asthma?" He hurriedly asked.

I shook my head no. "Fuck baby say something. Are you choking?" I shook my head and began to break down. My arms were shaking and I could not stop. He scoooed me up and sat me on the sink, stroking my back. "Baby calm down." His voice sent shivers up my back and I listened to his voice, and only his voice.

He noticed me calming down and said, "That's it baby. Calm down. Take some deep breaths for me, yeah? Can you do that sweetie?" I tried but shook my head no. My breathing was still shallow and fast, but at least I was breathing.

"No? Baby you can do it. I don't want to hear you say no," He ordered softly, looking at me. He took my hands in his, beginning to stoke them. "Come on baby, you've got it."

I nodded amd squeezed my eyes concentrating on his touches. They sparked an electricity in my veins but also made me feel strangely at home. "C-can you k-keep talking?" I chocked out, finally having enough air to do so. "It helps." I squeaked out, kinda embarrassed I asked. My cheeks heated up and I knew they were cherry red.

"See there we go, baby." He praised. "You're doing so good, but I want to hear that big breath still. You wouldn't make me wait much longer, right?" I shook my head. "Of course not. That's a good girl." I slowly began to pant and eventually taking one big breath after another. "Good job, baby girl! You did so good," He said.

"Thank you," I panted. He grabbed my hips and gently placed me on my feet. Being lightheaded I instantly grabbed his upper arm to support my body.

"Hey what was that all about? Are you o.k.?" he lifted my cheek so I was looking at him.

"I was uh, having a panic attack." I forced out with little huffs.

"What? Do they happen a lot? Or did something happen in here?" He demanded. He genuinely looked concerned.

"Sometimes I get them, but I was just thinking and I guess that triggered it." I confessed while trying to sound nonchalant about it.

"Thinking about what?"

"Oh, um it's nothing really." I blushed from his gaze and tried to look down. He gently pushed my chin up with two of his fingers, forcing me to look at him.

"Honesty please, I know it isn't nothing, missy." he said.

"It'll be fine I promise!" I said putting emphasis on promise.

"No, it will be fine once you tell me what happened." he pushed.

Once I realized he wasn't going to budge I caved, "Shirt is short," I mumbled quietly.

"Excuse me miss? I don't believe I heard you clearly."

I whined and shook my head, "Your shirt is too short!" I yelled with a complementary stomp of the foot. I was surprised I raised my voice, that usually didn't happen.

"My shirt is too short? I am confused, care to fill me in?" he asked. He sounded very confused and shocked almost baffled by what I said.

"It's short, sir. I felt I didn't like it. Too short. Don't you have any boxers?" I sort of explained what I was thinking...didn't I? I tried to explain more thoroughly but no sentences would form. I usually am better with my words...this is weird.

Before answering my question he laughed, "No I don't really wear boxers. I am sorry Katelynn." he paused for a moment then continued saying "I see no problem with the length. It covers your tush, doesn't it?" I nodded and he kept talking, "See? No problem, right? And if it makes you feel any better I will fetch you a blanket to place over your lap for the rest of the night, yeah?"

"Okay, thanks." I wearily said. The blanket would help while sitting, that was better than nothing.

"That'll help, yeah?" he pressed, needing to know.

"Mhm." Shaking my head up and back down a couple times I lightly nudged him to the door.

"I'll let you finish up in here. One blanket for your lap coming right up!" he joked and exited the bathroom, shutting the door. I sighed and glanced at the reflection staring me back in the mirror.

Ryan's P.O.V.

Cutie. Cutie. Cutie. Cutie. Cutie. Cutie. Cutie. Cutie. She is a cutie. Ugh.

Dispite wanting to see a bit more of her, if she was uncomfortable I wanted to fix it, no matter how round and firm her bottom may be.

I am updating this because I had this chapter written for like two years and never posted it. It isn't proofread or even close to how long I wanted it but I wanted to give you all something. I am debating on keeping this book up. Thank you.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2015 ⏰

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