Chapter 41- The Man On The Phone

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Harry stares at the back of her head for a second, watching her hair, which was let down, sway left and right as she moved. Then he turns, leaving her alone and going to get Teddy.


Hermione walked softly into the living room, making sure everyone was asleep. Ron had brought over the firewhisky for her, saying that it would 'cheer her up', but when they were pouring glasses she set hers down, untouched.

Ron, Luna, Harry and Teddy had stayed up late, talking and laughing. They hadn't even finished their first glass of firewhisky, which pleased Hermione- she didn't want them all drunk.

When she glances around the living room, she sees Ron and Luna asleep on the couch, their feet entwined and their hands locked. Harry slept with Teddy beside him in the loveseat. Hermione creeps over and scoops Teddy up into her arms, and he opens one eye at her. His tiny little face smiles, and he waves at her. She smiles as well and waves back.

She carries him into his bright blue bedroom, setting him down on his bed. She watches him stumble walk across his bed, and she thinks about how far he is from his second birthday. She frowns, wondering why he already knew so many words... was it possible that he was growing up faster than he was supposed to?

Hermione shakes the idea off and lies him down in bed, bidding him good night and staying with him until he falls asleep. When he does, she pulls the blankets up a bit and then leaves, shutting off the light behind her and letting his tiny night light take over.

When she re-enters the living room, she sees that everyone is still asleep. She opens up a tiny closet in the hall and pulls out a few blankets. She drapes one over Ron and Luna, and then another when it doesn't quite cover them up. She puts the last one over Harry and then makes her way down the hall to she and Harry's bedroom.

She climbs into the sheets, pulling the blankets up to her chin and turning to face the side where Harry slept. She stares at the empty space, and then reaches out to rub her fingers over the blankets on his side. The bed felt cold and empty without Harry there.

The next thing she knew she was kicking off the blankets and grabbing her wand off of the bedside table. She feels her fingers wrap around the familiar wood, and it makes her smile. She feels the same energy course through her fingertips as before, when she had first picked out her wand. She had originally gotten up to get Harry and take him into their bed, but now she had other ideas.

She approaches him. "Wingardium Leviosa." She whispers softly.

She floats him all of the way to their bedroom, where she sets him down on the bed and covers him up. She writes a quick note and sets it on the pillow where she usually slept.


You fell asleep with Ron and Luna in the living room. I have no clue if they will still be there when you wake up. I took Teddy to his room and put him to bed, and then I took you to our bed.

I've been thinking, and I'd really like to know why I didn't get chosen as an Auror. I've gone to speak with the man who we did our interviews with to ask him why. I can accept that I wasn't chosen- I just can't accept never knowing what part of me wasn't good enough. I should be back by morning, and if that's the case, then you won't even read this note unless you wake up in the middle of the night... which you do a lot.

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