chapter one

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Skylar's POV: "READY OK" I yelled and we started to cheer.

Yes I'm a cheer leading and I love it, don't try to judge me I'm not all prissy and I'm not a snob I promise.

"GO WILDCATS" We all yelled as we finished the cheer.

I checked the score Wildcats: 21 Guests: 18
We're winning! There are only twenty seconds left of the fourth quarter so hopefully we got this locked in. All the cheer leaders turned around to watch the game including me as we screamed for them to run faster and we screamed when our team got the final touch down.

"Hey Sky" Justin, my boyfriend said coming up and hugging me.

"Congrats on the win you sweaty little beast" I said smiling.

"Wouldn't have won it if I hadn't known you were cheering me on"

"Well, that's what I signed up for" I said and he laughed.

"SKYLAR COME ON YOU NEED TO GO HOME AND DO YOUR HOMEWORK" I heard my mom yell and Justin and I kissed goodbye and I left.

Justin and I have been dating for almost three years now, he asked me out on my 13th birthday and my birthday is tomorrow. I can't wait for my 16th birthday hopefully it will be the best.

"Mom what happened to dad" I asked.

"We got divorced I told you that"

"And call him Jake, he doesn't deserve to be called Dad" she said annoyed.


"I'm going to drop you off at the house with Uncle Johnnie, Uncle Andy, and Uncle Ronnie and you need to study while I'm at the therapist"

"Why haven't you ever told me why you go to therapy"

"It's because of my past Sky, the past is something I don't want you to know"

She drove us to the house that we shared with my uncles and she walked in for just a bit.

"How are you feeling today Tasha" Uncle Johnnie asked her.

"Not so good, the past is just too hard"

"I know, you'll get through this"

"I don't think I will" she said and she walked out the door.

"What's your homework for today" Andy asked.

"I have homework a project in Science and a speaking test tomorrow in Spanish"

"Alright well change out of that cheer uniform and get out your homework so we can get this over with"

My uncles are so awesome, it seems like they have so much money but I don't understand how. Johnnie doesn't have a job, Andy and Ronnie are sometimes gone at months at times without an explanation but I just let them go, it's ok with me. They all helped me finish my project and talk to them completely in Spanish and then Johnnie disappeared into his room, that happens a lot.

"Can Justin come over"

"Sure just remember the rules" Ronnie said and I laughed.

These are the rules.
1) There must be an adult present
2) No sitting on laps
3) No making out
4) No sexual touching
5) Just be good

We haven't ever gotten sexual or anything so those rules didn't really affect me any plus Justin really likes the guys. He says they're extremely funny and nice but he knows that they could snap him in two, well except maybe Johnnie. I called Justin and he said he would be over right away so I just waited. He  lives a walking distance away around a five minute walk and we always visit.

"Hey baby" he said walking in the door.

"Hi" I said and he kissed my cheek.

"Have you finished your homework" he asked me like a parent would.

"Yes I did"

"Good, so are you excited for tomorrow"

"Of course I am"

"So am I, I have an amazing present for you"

"It better not be birthday sex" Ronnie said instantly.

"Trust me I am saving that for marriage" he said smiling which caused me to smile.

He knows that I want to wait until marriage until sex and I'm happy that he respects my wishes.

"I'm going to order a pizza" Johnnie said finally walking out of his room.

Just so you all know yes they are all married, Andy is married to Juliet, Johnnie is married to Alex and Ronnie is married to Violet. They're just all out shopping right now most likely.

"When will mom be back" I asked because it had already been almost two hours.

"We don't know, it always takes different times"

"Why won't any of you tell me what's wrong with her"

"She has depression that's all you need to know"

"No I need to know what is wrong with my mother" I said and Ronnie got upset.

"Some things you just can't know Skylar and we are all sorry but when it comes to the time, you will know everything"

"Guys please..." I said almost in tears.

"We'll talk to your mom about it first"

"Thank you" I said and I hugged all of them.

The doorbell rang and Johnnie went over and opened the door and he carried in a pizza, finally some food.

"You ok" Justin asked me before we got up to eat.

"Yes" I said smiling and he kissed my forehead.

"I'm happy that tomorrow is a Saturday, we get to spend all day together tomorrow"

"Don't forget my party" I said smiling.

"Maybe I can stay tonight" he replied.

"Guys can Justin stay the night"

"Yes, he has to sleep on the couch though"

"Kk" I replied and we finally got up to go get pizza.

I heard mom walk in the door and I looked back and there were tear stains on her cheeks, that happens every time she comes back. It must be something horrible, I just want to know so I can try and help her I don't understand why I can't know.

"Hey mom" I said smiling and she faked a smile.

"Hey" she replied.

I know it's weird that mom and I are only 13 years apart but hey that's what happens when someone pressures you into sex.

"Justin is staying the night"

"Ok well I'm going to head to bed"

"It's only six"

"It's been a long day" she said walking off into her room.

I hate seeing her like this, this is the only her that I know. She's always been like this and I really hope that soon I figure out why and I will even if they don't tell me, I will find a way somehow.

"Babe I wanted to someone I found on YouTube the other day" Justin said and he grabbed my laptop.

"Her name is Cassie Guilbert, that's the same last name as you"

"Let's watch"

We watched a video with her and this guy they both had bright green hair, hers was so pretty but his looked ridiculous. The video had been dated to over 16 years ago so they are all grown up by now which is nice I guess.

"I loved them"

"I was hoping you would"

The future changes everything (sequel to kidnapped by Ronnie Radke)Where stories live. Discover now