Chapter 5: Phil ?!

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« I want to know, who's Fury ? What's S.H.I.E.L.D ?"

"I don't know if we can tell you kid..." Stark started.

"It's better for your security" Cap added.

"I'm dating Deadpool."

"That's my name ! Oh baby I love hearing you saying that we're dating ! I feel butterfly in my stomach ! Unless I just need to fart..."

Everyone made a disgusted face, except you, used to it, but resisting the urge to facepalm.

"Please don't fart in my tower..." Tony said.

"Too late !" everyone groaned.

"Wade..." you warned.

"Don't worry guys, I was only joking ! You know, lightning the atmosphere and all !" he then whispered to me, the author, remember ? "They should know who you are by now you deranged woman ! Seriously, fart jokes ? You're more childish than I thought !"

You found it funny too, admit it !

"Okay it was kind of fun...that's the last time I'm agreeing with you !"

"Wade Wilson please stop talking to yourself right now, the adults are talking" our dear reader-kun <3 said.

"So you're the one making jokes but you're using MY reader-kun <3 against myself ? You're a female demon ! I'm going to ignore all of you now ! Except you babe" he winked to the reader.

Which one? I realized there's two reader ! Like, the reader-kun in the story, and the reader reading !

"Can you shut up and continue with the story ?"

Only for my dear reader-kun <3.

You blinked, what was wrong with him ? (except everything, am I right ?). A "f*ck you author" could be heard from Wade's emo corner.

"You know, I don't think that being with someone like him is good, you should-" You cut Tony off.

"I would never leave him, and I love danger so NOW answer the question ! Where can I find this Fury ?" you said starting to be angry.

A gulp from Peter could be heard and you looked at him, frowning. Despite wearing his mask, you could still see some uneasiness on his face. You squinted.

"Spider-man..." you started.


"Are you hiding something  from me ?" you raised aneyebrow, crossing your arms over your chest.

"Pfff, no ! Why would you say that ?"

You b*tchfaced him.

"C'mon I'm your best friend ! And a superhero ! I care about your safety !"he said, defending himself.

"You..." you frowned "Why ?" you opened your mouth "But ?!" you gasped, outraged, he raised his hands in front of him, taking a step back. "All this time you...!"

Hands was suddenly on your shoulders and you jumped.

"Don't worry babe, it's not his fault ! Fury must have asked him not to tell anything, you know ?" Wade softly said, slightly massaging your tensed shoulders. You sighed.

"I know..." you discreetly shot a look which said we'll talk about that later  to Peter, who cringed in return. You looked back at Tony and Steve "So. What happened to my parents ?"

"We can't tell you, sorry." Steve apologized

"Why ?"

"Secret defence." Tony answered.

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