The savage beasts power

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When Brynna found out about that power she went home and thought about killing people while she was petting her kitty and then she looked at her cat and she was frozen! Brynna right now was laughing her evil laugh and thinking "wow tomorrow I will kill everyone at school!". The next day she ran into a girl named Rhiley and she is the most annoying but happiest person ever. Rhiley said " hello Brynna how are you, I'm great, I love your outfit. Bye i gotta go eat more sugar to make me more hyper!!!!".
Brynna was thinking that would be her next victim but then she ran into Taia who was the exact opposite of Rhiley. Taia was depressed and hated life . Taia said "I hate life" she picked up her books and started mumbling something under her breath and Brynna was saying inside her head "Woah this girl is just as depressed as I am maybe we can savage beasts together and rule the world!".

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