"Maybe I'd rather have a Theon." She winked.

"Whatever." I laughed at her devious smile. "You can find a guy with a real life six pack when you get home." She and Cassandra giggled. "What about you, Cass?" I asked. "You've never had a boyfriend?"

She blushed, even in the darkness. "I mean, I've had boyfriends, but I've never..." She shrugged. "I've not ever been like in love with anyone, but..."

"But what?" Levi and I both asked her.

She smiled softly, dropping her eyes down to the water, her expression was distant and I recognized that look. "There was this boy back home."

"I knew it." I clapped my hands. "Spill."

She chewed on her lips but she was smiling. "His name was Dean." She said. "We'd been talking for a while, and I think he really liked me." She told us. "I think...I think I could have fallen for him." She blushed again. "If we'd had some more time."

I looked up at the crescent moon over us, the two of them copying my action. "If Theon's plan works, you'll have all the time you need." They both smiled and then a thought hit me. "Wait a second." I said dropping my eyes back down to them. "How am I the only pure one if you guys haven't dated?"

Cassandra blushed again. "It was literally one time, and it lasted all of two minutes." She groaned. "I was so stupid, we weren't even dating." She covered her face with her hands. "It's so embarrassing to think about."

I stifled a laugh then looked at Levi who had a shadowed expression. "Wasn't really by choice." She said softly.

Cass and I both hugged her quickly. "You don't have to talk about it." Cass told her and Levi smiled a little, looking up at the moon. I felt so bad, Levi had had such a hard life. Out of us, she deserved more than anyone to get to go back to a new life.

"We're going to do this." I told them both again, feeling determined. "We'll be out of here in no time."

The next morning, Theon showed up on the beach early, waving me over.

I walked up the cove and met him by the tree line. "Hey," I waved. "I wasn't expecting you." I smiled. He frowned and I furrowed my brows. "What's the matter?" I asked.

He huffed and sighed. "Can I talk to you?" He asked and I nodded. He ran his hands both through his long hair roughly and I felt nervous. "I'm just," He said strained. "Pissed." He said. "I'm pissed off."

"Why?" I asked, standing in front of him awkwardly.

"The people on this damn island!" He snapped. "They..."

I took a step towards him, but he gave me a look that told me that was close enough. "What happened?"

He shook his head, balling his hands into fists at his sides. "They are all superstitious little pricks and they rub their close minded opinions off on their little brat children!" He yelled, his face red.

"Tally?" I asked.

He nodded his head. "She's having such a hard time, and she won't let it show, but god, I know it bothers her." He said. "She's constantly picked on." He told me. "I just don't know what to do about it." He shook his head. "She loves school, loves to learn and play, but she can't enjoy anything with the little assholes telling stories all the time."

I just stood there awkwardly, trying to think what I should do or say. "Why do they pick on her though?" I asked. "I don't understand why anyone wouldn't like Tally."

"I told you, they're superstitious." He said. "They think she's..." He shook his head. "It doesn't even matter, but she's paying for it every day when none of this is her fault."

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