42: Killing Spree

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Yomi: I'm going on a killing spree. Who wants to come?

Fukoku: oh. Me me.

Yomi: meiko~~?

Meiko: Sleep.

Lo: I've to clean. Buy food for dinner. You know I cook the good stuff.

Reina: I'll go.

Yomi : Arigato.

Lo: how about hiyori?

Yomi: if she wants to.
Lo: come on. Go for it.

Hiyori: but... I don't think I'm needed.

Lo: you think. Come on.

Hiyori: I don't know if I want to.

Lo: so easily scared.

Hiyori: and I said I want to be her exemplary...

Lo: so ambitious nah. So are you going to stay with her till the end?

Hiyori: Lo...

Lo: don't fall in love with me. I know I'm mesmerising.

Hiyori giggles " hmph"

Yomi: Reiki. Fuki.

Reina was gloves and fukoku was a scythe.

Reina: how about hiyori?

Yomi: she won't participate in our bloody spree. She's too innocent. Oh. Not to forget, a little mask.

Hiyori: wait. What do you mean kill? There's no ayakashis here. Huh???!!! Yomi!!!

" Who said about killing ayakashis. I just said... killing spree." Yomi walks into the mall swings her scythe and off goes the first human head. The crowd in the mall starts screaming.

Hiyori's eyes widens out of shock " wait... WAIT YOU CAN'T DO THIS."

" Do what?" And another head rolls off the floor. Hiyori blocks yomi's way " STOP THIS!!! "

Yomi: aish... they're all running away.

Fukoku: that's cos you're killing them stupid.

Yomi: oh no. Some more are running out. No good.

Reina: preventive measures needed.

Yomi swings her scythe and a slice was drawn onto the floor at the exit " no one should get out even when they are only left with spirits. Fu."  And a barrier was drawn up. The humans start to panic as they realise an invisible barrier.

Hiyori grabs onto yomi's wrist as yomi turns around. Yomi turns her head around " hai?"

Hiyori: they aren't happy!!!

" But my nii-san will be. " Yomi swings her scythe and all their heads roll at once as blood splatter.

Hiyori pants " yato... yato... yato!!!"

Yato: what? Hiyori?

Yukine was pulling yato from inside using strings as yato hung washing the windows " hurry up!!!"

Yato: wait!! Still need waxing!!


Yukine: can't... hold... on....

And yukine drops it " .... gomen." Yato crashes onto the ground " yukine!!!!"

Yukine: eat lesser!!!
Yato: what is it?

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