"Well, she is at the family house right at this moment, and she did try to talk to me about a certain subject this morning before I escaped." William could not help but be in a good mood whenever he was around Laura. Her cheerful smile and laughter could lift anyone's spirit, apart from the fact that she was absolutely beautiful, at least to William. She had long black hair that had a slight wave to it. Her eyes were dark brown and almond shaped and her complexion was pale, enhancing her cheekbones. She was tall and always wore simple garments that, for some reason, added to her charm. She had already published two books and was working on a third one, and all at such a young age.

But not young enough. She was a few years older than William, but that didn't matter to him. She was his best friend, almost like a sister, just like their mothers were best friends.

Laura laughed at what William had just said. "I apologize, William."

"Well, I cannot say that I am not used to it."

"How is everything at school?" Laura changed the subject. William knew she didn't like thinking about her mother's obsession with Richard too much.

William shrugged. "Andrew just will not stop having his 'fun.'"

"That boy always was difficult to control," Laura said fondly. "Has he been causing too much trouble lately?"

"Well, his new target is a girl, so you can imagine." William rolled his eyes.

"The new girl at Oxford I heard about? Poor thing!" Laura's eyes were wide. "What did she do to offend our little hero?"

"She spoke up against him in front of all the students. Before that, she stopped someone from jumping off a roof." William did not have any patience for talking about his best friend's tactics right now. He turned to the parchment and books sprawled out on the desk in between them. "How fares the book?"

"Not as well as I would like." Laura's smile faded a little. "I just can't seem to figure out what Dean is supposed to do next. I tell myself that he..." William watched her as she talked about the characters in her book as though they were real people. He watched as her eyes came to life and the color rose in her cheeks, as her voice became more and more passionate with every word and her gestures became more animated.

It was in moments like these that he realized he sometimes wished he was a character in her book, for he longed to hear that passion in her voice when she talked about him.

= = = 

Nancy was turning onto Josmead Street when she heard someone call out to her from behind. She turned around to see William Cooper hurrying toward her.

"What are you doing here, Lord Cooper?" she asked, surprised.

He stopped in front of her. "Miss Brooks, my very good friend Laura Fortescue has invited you to a ball at her family house tomorrow night. She apologizes for the short notice and would be delighted if you would be able to make it."

"Laura Fortescue?" Nancy's eyes widened. "The writer of The Hearth?" William nodded.

"Why has she invited me? How would she even know about me, my lord?" Nancy said, trying not to sound impolite.

William smiled slightly. "I told her about the warm welcome my friends at Oxford gave you, particularly Andrew. She wanted to make amends on his behalf, I suppose." He held out the invitation card. "She would be glad if you could make it."

"Thank you." Nancy accepted the card uncertainly, unsure of what this was all about.

"Don't worry. It is not one of those extremely fancy balls of the season in London. It is kind of like a get-together ball being held by the Fortescues."

Regency Romance: The Earl's Obsession (Historical Romance) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now