Episode 1

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Episode 1: Mrs. Unfortunate

'People are coming.' Baron thought as he rested his head against the chair with his legs raised on top of the conference room table. He had his eyes closed and his arms crossed against his chest.

Click. Click.

'A pair of high heels. 4-inches high. She's about 5 foot 4 and weighs 53Kgs'
Tap. Tap.

'Men dress shoes.' He continued before smirking. 'It's the boss.'

Baron continued listening in silence as the sound of shoes hitting the marble floors approached.

The door to the conference room opened and in came Mr.Longford, the chief in command.

"Wake up Baron." He spoke calmly as he pulled the chair across the sleeping man.

Baron slowly opened his eyes and smiled mischievously at his boss.

"You had a lady with you." He stated confidently. "Is she your new food source?" He smirked.

"If only your manners were as high as your sound recognition ability." Mr. Longford sighed.

Baron shrugged his shoulders before pulling his legs off the table and resting them on the ground beneath his chair.

"So, did you think about what we spoke about yesterday?" Baron asked as he leaned closer to his boss, the anticipation in his eyes growing by the second.

"You're putting me in a tough spot here Baron. You're one of my best men, I can't afford to lose you."

"I've already served in this shitty business since I was a teenage boy. Fourteen years are more than enough, don't you think?" Baron urged. His dissatisfaction seeping through his words no matter how hard he tries to hide it.

Mr. Longford sighed again and scratched the back of his head.

"Is it still because of Andrew?" Mr. Longford asked, his body aching just thinking about his former employee and Baron's best friend.

Baron didn't answer and just turned his head to the side, his eyes burning holes into the ground.

"Then I guess you understand." He spoke softly after a while.

"It wasn't your fault Baron. You know how it is working in this particular field." Mr. Longford begged.

Baron slapped both his hands on the table angrily, taking his chief by surprise but Mr. Longford was quick to regain his composure.

"I've said what I had and I'm not changing my mind." Baron spoke with determination as he stood up from his place and marched his way to the door.

"Wait!" Mr. Longford called out to him as he too stood from his chair.

Baron, in respect to his chief, stopped midway but didn't turn around.

Mr. Longford sighed for the third time these past ten minutes before speaking once more.

"Fine. I'll grant you what you want." His words made Baron turn around.

"But," Mr. Longford continued. "You have to finish one last mission."

"Boss I-" Baron started to object but he was cut mid-sentence.

"It will be your biggest and final one. The client is very high paying and you'll have money that would last you a lifetime. Take it as an end of service commission. They're even paying for your hotel room. No need for some shaky cottage." Mr. Longford urged with sparkly eyes.

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