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Chapter one: Trapped


The raven-haired female swore under her breath as she ran from the scene;sirens blaring in the blurred background. Out of sight; leaving the other—younger—female to fend for herself, whom was on Her trail.

Although, quickly, the other girl, with the freckled face and Italian accent scattered away. Maybe she believe that if they spilt up, they'd both get a chance for the cops to lose them.

That wasn't the case; there are too many of them to split up.

Thalia took a last glance at the female, whom she never got to gain the knowledge of her name, and frowned.

Thalia caught a glimpse of the coffee brown eyes of the young lady. She looked terrified, and for some odd reason, Thalia felt slight sympathy for the girl.

Unfortunately, Thalia thought, this will probably be the last time I see her.

But, like Thalia was quite often in these situations—she was wrong. Very so wrong.


Thalia was casted away into the cell, whom she examined. One bed, slanted against the wall. In the small corner of the room was a toilet and some paper. Not even a sink! Honestly. That was disgusting.

There was a window. But it couldn't be slide open, and metal bars were thickly placed next to one another. The glass itself was caked up with dirt and grease.

At least I get a room for myself  Thalia thought.

She stared out the cell door momentarily before flinging herself on to the rather hard bed.

Curling up to keep the cold from evading, she laid like this for hours. Hungry, cold, isolated. I mean it was the normal. Nobody could say Thalia Grace was rich. She hardly had a job. She couldn't afford college or her daughter that was probably with her younger brother at the moment. Crying, unsure what was happening. Possibly already been interrogated by the police, the monsters that alway scared her the most.

Besides, she was only three, too young to understand why her mommy was in jail, and of course, that's what hit Thalia the most. Sure, Thalia was thrown in jail for little things before, vandalism, theft, harassment. But she always been bailed out by her brother. Which she was grateful for, mostly because, those there the incidents that lead to worst problems, the first one lead her to become pregnant with Mayah Rose by a man with the name of Luke, and the other two incidents, she was still pregnant with her child.

On her previous trip to jail, she almost had a miscarriage because she had decided to open her mouth to one of the bigger men, which resulted in her getting beaten by him. She was always going to be mentally scarred by the fact she didn't put up a fight, but she cut herself slight slack, she was five months pregnant.

A single mother of a three year old daughter, only twenty-two, unmarried, living with her younger—more successful—brother, struggling to support herself, let along another life.

Thalia had to admit. Mayah Rose was honestly an accident, but as cliche as it sounded, it was honestly one of her better mistakes.

Jason would be highly disappointed at the woman for getting herself locked up in jail.

Besides, Thalia was worried. If Jason couldn't afford the to bail out Thalia for the two hundred fifty dollar fine—which did not include the money for the damage that Thalia left behind in her trace—she would have to suck up a few years in prison.

Which would mean she'd miss everything. Her daughter's growth. Potential jobs. A new house.

It sucked, and no matter how bad it sounded, Thalia wanted her old life back, before her parents were murdered, before Mayah Rose was born, before she got herself locked up in jail.

Unfortunately, Thalia didn't have much time to mope after those few hours were up because she heard the noise of locks clicking and doors opening.

Thalia glanced up, watching the police officer—quite forcefully—push the young girl from early today into my cell and locked back up the doors.

Upon a better look at the young girl, Thalia noticed her eyes rimmed with red and puffy, as if she'd be crying; which was quite stupid. Don't cry over stupid little things like being thrown into jail.

If that girl wants to survive, Thalia thought to herself, she's gotta toughen up, or she'll be dead meat by next week.

Thalia looked at the girl "so . . ." Thalia drawled. "You've been thrown in the slammer too?"

The other girl nodded slightly, silently going to the other corner, the corner that the toilet did not occupy.

By three years of softening, Thalia unfortunately felt bad for the younger girl. Which only look to be about the age of nineteen.

"Hey, girl" Thalia called. "Come over here."

The other girl looked at Thalia, her cheeks now glistening with white as she wiped away tears, embarrassed of crying, she stood up and made her was to Thalia. Whom sat up and patted the seat next to her.

The warmth left Thalia's body, which sent a shiver down her spine, but she couldn't quite complain. The girl next to her was shivering like someone trapped in a snowstorm in just thin cloth.

"What is your name?" Thalia asked her, her voice more tranquil then usual, that was the voice she only used to calm her Mayah Rose, but, that tradition was now broken by Thalia's soft tone for the girl next to her.

The girl mumbled something quite incoherent. "What?" Thalia asked. "Bianca di Angelo" the girl—Bianca—replied a little louder.

"Thalia Grace." Thalia greeted Bianca, holding out her cold hand. Reclusively Bianca shook it.

"So . . . Bianca, tell me about yourself" Thalia said, leaning back on her hands slightly.

Bianca left out a exhale that misted out white and started to speak quietly.

"I'm nineteen, I'm suppose to be in collage right now, I have a little brother—Nico, to support through his third year of high school, I'm broken, lost and alone. What about you?" Bianca asked, hugging herself, trying to warm herself up in the cold atmosphere.

Thalia clicked her tongue, waiting a few seconds before speaking. "I'm twenty-two, I have a three year old daughter named Mayah Rose, I'm use to this, I've been to jail for little things multiple times, and I'm terrified my child will have the same fate as me."

The words rolled off Thalia's tongue as if they weren't much of a big deal, but they were, especially to Thalia, if she got herself landed in jail one more time after this incident. If Jason was deemed unfit to care for Mayah Rose then she'd be shipped off to an orphanage.

"Who's caring for your child now?" Bianca asked quietly.

"My brother Jason" Thalia told her.

Bianca nodded "I see, I have nobody to take care of Nico for me, so he's just going to come home, and I won't be there. He'll probably contact someone and find out I'm in jail. I'll be stuck here for a while because Nico doesn't have a job yet. He's been—ah, struggling" Bianca confide to the other.

"Yeah, might as well get comfortable with me hanging around because if my brother can't pay the expenses, then I'm trapped here too."

And the first chapter is complete. I worked quite hard on this, even if it isn't the best, and I'd really like do you to comment and tell me what you think so far.

Thalianca: Locked Away Where stories live. Discover now