Drums of War

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Chapter 14

"Let me risk a little more light." Gandalf said after a while. His staff grew brighter and I found that we were in a hall. I tried following the pillars up but the ceilings were still incased in darkness. "Behold: the great realm and Dwarf city of Dwarrowdelf."

"Now there's an eye opener and no mistake." Sam said in awe.

"Come alone Samwise." Nicole said as we walked further into the hall.

Gimli gave a cry and hurried into a room on the side.

"Gimli!" Gandalf cried.

I followed after him and paused in shock once inside. A tomb lied in the middle of the room. A single Dwarf skeleton sat at the foot. There was a clear circle around the tomb then the floor is cluttered with Dwarf and Goblins alike.

"No!" Gimli cries against the tomb.

I feel a hand on my shoulder causing me to jump. I look to see Nicole there.

"'Here lies Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of Moria,'" Gandalf sighed. "He is dead then. It is as I feared."

Gimli wails as Gandalf handed his staff and hat to Pippin then reaches for a book laying with the Dwarf against the tomb.

I let out a sob. "That's Ori." I whispered.

"Kilmin malur ni zaram kalil ra narag." I heard Gimli chat quietly. "Kheled-zâram Balin tazlifi."

"He is with Kili and Fili, Myrna." Nicole murmured. "Thorin would have welcomed them with open arms."

I nodded and worked on calming my emotions while Legolas moved closer to us. "We should move on, we cannot linger."

"Let Gimli have a moment for his fallen brethren!" I hissed.

"They have taken the bridge and the second hall." We looked at Gandalf, who was reading from the book. "We have barred the gates but cannot hold them for long. The ground shakes. Drums. Drums in the deep." He looks up at us. "We cannot get out. A shadow moves in the dark. .We cannot get out." He paused as we stared at him. "They are coming."

All of the sudden a loud crashing noise echoed throughout the room. We all looked behind Gandalf to see Pippin give us a guilty look. We watched as a skeleton falls backwards into a well taking a chain and bucket with him.

"Fool of a Took!" I winced at Gandalf's tone of voice. "Throw yourself in next time and rid us of your stupidity!"

Gandalf took his staff and hat before turning away from the guilty Hobbit. There, in the distance, was what sounded like drumming.

"What is that?" Merry asked.

"Drums of war." Nicole whispered readying her sword. "They are coming."

"Yes, but who is they?" I asked her getting my bow ready.

"Frodo!" I whirled around, bow ready to fire, to see Frodo slowly unsheathe his sword. It was glowing blue.

"Orcs!" Legolas exclaimed.

"Get the door!" I yelled. "Close and bar it. It might buy us time."

Boromir rushed to the door and looked down the hall. I heard thuds and as the door closed, I saw two arrows lodged in the wood.

"They have a cave troll," Boromir gave a sarcastic laugh.

"Well, then that should even things up a bit!" Nicole returned the sarcasm. "Use these to bar it." She started tossing weapons to the men.

I stayed back by the tomb while Legolas and Aragorn stood up a ways in front of me but on either side so that I had a clear view. Gimli grabbed his axe and climbed up on Balin's tomb.

"Let them come!" He growled. "There is one dwarf yet in Moria who still draws breath!"

We heard pounding and scratching at the door. Soon a gap was open, letting LEgoals take a shot then move to higher ground. There was a shrill cry signaling something died. Atagorn took a shot before brandishing his sword. As the door burst open, I took my shot taking a beast down.

"And so it begins," Nicole smirks before charging forward.

"Keep tally, sister." I called as I shot another beast.

"Don't I always?" She laughs as she drives her sword through an Orc's stomach.

As arrows fly and swords clash, a cave troll smashes through the doorway.

"Boromir!" I called to the man. "I found your friend!" I turned to see Sam just stand there and watch as Legolas shot the troll in the shoulder. The troll raised its mace and went for the hobbits, but I shot it to get its attention. "Hey! Over there!" It looked at me and then decided to head my way. "Bad idea Myrna," I sighed as I scurried away. As the troll threw down its mace, it got caught off guard and turned to see Aragorn and Boromir tugging on its chains. It flicked its wrist and sent Boromir across the room. Seeing that the troll was contained, I withdrew Orcrist and went oever to help Nicole with her group.

Sam hit an orc with his pan and gave look of happiness as it falls to the ground. "I think I'm getting the hang of this!"

"Well done, Sam!" Nicole encouraged while slicing the head off of an Orc then stabbing a Orc that was behind Sam. "Always keep your eyes open and keep moving."

"Frodo!" I turn towards Aragorn's voice and see the troll looking around a pillar. As I make my way to the troll, a few orcs came at me. I clashed swords with one, but the other hit my side, creating a deep gash. I cried in pain but managed to kill the Orcs in time to see Aragorn go across the room. I hurried to his side.

"Aragorn!" I shook him but he didn't wake up. "Aragorn!"

I heard a gasp and turned to see a spear sticking out of Frodo's chest. "Frodo!" I tried to get up but I stopped knowing that I needed to wake Aragorn. "Please Aragorn!" I cried as I used my injured arm to shake him. "Frodo needs you!"

Aragorn awakes just as Merry and Pippin jumped on the troll's back. Aragorn went to Frodo and I slumped against the wall. Nicole rushed to me and started fussing over me. "I'm fine. Just a scratch."

Nicole ignored me and tied a cloth around my cut. The troll fell to the ground and Nicole and I moade our way to Frodo.

"Pip," I called softly to the hobbit.

"He's alive!" Sam exclaimed.

I looked at the dark haired hobbit as he gasped for breath. "I'm all right, I'm not hurt." Frodo explained.

"You should be dead! That spear would have skewered a wild boar." Aragorn said in disbelief.

I thought I heard a noise coming from the hall so I sheathed my sword and readied an arrow.

"Mithril!" I turned to see Frodo showing his shift of Mithrill that belonged to Bilbo. Gimli spoke, "you are full of surprises, Master Baggins."

"This is nice, but we are still in danger." I warned as the noise in the hallway getting louder. "Gandalf!"

"To the Bridge of Khazad-dûm," Gandalf said before hurrying out of the room.

Right on time!

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