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Chapter 13-

"How long have we been walking?" Pippin asked.

"Not sure, Pip," Merry replied.

"Sing line, we are approaching the mining cavern." Gandalf instructed.

"What is this?" Pippin pointed to the silver vein in the wall.

"The wealth of Moria was not in gold, or jewels, but Mithril." Gandalf moved his staff so that we could see the ladders leading to the mining shafts below.

I kept my eye on Merry as he took a step forward, but Pippin stopped him.

"Bilbo had a shirt of Mithril rings that Thorin gave him." Gandalf had a playful tone to his voice.

"Oh, that was a kingly gift." Gimli exclaimed.

"Yes! I never told him, but it's worth was greater than the value of the Shire."

I smiled as I recalled that moment. The look of surprise on Bilbo's face.

"But, that was not the only gift that Thorin gave that was of great value." Gandalf added and I saw Nicole's eyes flicker to me.

We passed in silence after that, and started ascending upstairs. I stayed behind Merry and Pippin to ensure their safety. I tensed when Pippin lost his footing.

"Pippin!" Merry hissed, giving his friend a boost.

When we reached the top, Gandalf stared at the three doorways. "I have no memory of this place."

"Let us have a rest, shall we?" Nicole sighed. "Come over here, little ones. There is room for all of us."

"Are we lost?" Pippin asked as we sat in a semi-circle. He sat between me and Merry. Same was on Merry's right, then Boromir and Aragorn. On my left was Gimli, then Nicole and Legolas. Frodo and Gandalf sat above us.

"No." Merry commented.

"I think we are." Pippin argued.

"Sh!" Same hushed. "Gandalf is thinking."

There was a slight moment of silence.

"Merry?" Pippin whined.

"What?" Merry sighed.

"I'm hungry."

I pulled out a piece of food and gave it to the hobbit. He beamed at me and with a nod of thanks began eating it.

"Nicole, do you know what the other gift was?" Merry asked.

"Yes." She smiled. "Thorin was a difficult dwarf. He came across as cold-hearted and he did not want me and Myrna to join them. But, he had no choice, as Gandalf's route was going to lead us through Mirkwood and we were the best at getting through that space. Over the course of the journey, he saw us as a part of the group. Myrna had saved his life many times including when we encountered the trolls. We found their cave and all sorts of treasures, including elf-made swords: Gandalf's, Bilbo's, and Thorin's. Before Thorin died, he handed his sword to the person closest to him for safe keeping."

"Who was he?" Sam asked. "The person that was closest to him."

I hid my smirk before looking at Sam. "A princess from a long lost Kingdom. He helped her find herself and believed her to be a real warrior. Someone that we did not think was alive as her kingdom was wiped out by Orcs." I caught Aragorn's knowing look. "We haven't heard from her since."

The hobbit's talked to themselves while my ears caught Frodo's voice. "I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened."

"So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide," Gandalf offered some advice. "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world, Frodo, besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring, in which case you also were meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought." There was a pause. "Oh! It's that way!"

"He's remembered," Merry said in awe. We gathered everything and followed Gandalf down a dark stairway.

"No, but the air doesn't smell so foul down here." Gandalf chuckled. "If in doubt, Meriadoc, always follow your nose."

Hey! Long time!

Sorry for not updating, I had major writers block. But have no fear, I am back!

I do have a schedule set for updates.

Sundays/Thursday: 5SOS Preferences

Tuesdays: Lord of the Rings

Hope you guys have a great day!


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