Chapter One

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Most of the time Sasha didn't mind being the youngest of the group. She was treated the same as all other cast members by the crew and the writers. Nobody made her feel out of place. But occasionally it would bother her. Occasionally, just occasionally, she would feel like an outsider to the rest. Today was one of those days. It was the last day of filming season six of Pretty Little Liars and they were just about to wrap the last scene.

"And we're done! That's a wrap ladies and gentlemen!" Shouted Marlene, who directed this episode, entitled 'Hush, Hush, Sweet Liars', from behind the cameras.

"Oh my god! I can't believe we only have one season left to film," cried Ashley dramatically.

"I know, it's crazy how six years has gone so quickly," Tyler responded slinging his arm over Ashley's shoulder.

"I don't even want to think about it ending," sighed Shay, standing up from where she had previously been sitting on the old green armchair in the corner of The Brew set.

"Well, all good things must come to an end." Interjected Troian, bringing the conversation between friends to a poignant silence. Over the years, Troian had taken on a sort of older sister  role between the cast. Being the first to offer words of advice, or a sense of reality to a given situation. 

"Always the pessimist aren't we Troi?" Joked Ashley. "Well - instead of talking about how sad we're gonna be when this ends, why don't we go out tonight and celebrate six years of great times?"

"Sounds good to me," agreed Tyler.

"Yeah, I know this great club in West Hollywood we can go to," added Troian.

"Great, I'll tell the others." Concluded Ashley.

"Ermm guys -" Shay murmured, not so subtly nodding her head to where Sasha was sitting on the red sofa, currently zoned out of the conversation as soon as she heard the word 'club'. Club meant twenty-one, and Sasha had only just turned twenty. This had happened often over the last six years, where the cast would go for drinks and Sasha could never go due to her age.

"Oh Sash, I forgot you were here." Ashley smiled apologetically.

"It's okay guys, it really is, go have fun." Sasha reluctantly replied.

"You sure?" Shay asked quizzically. Ever since Emison had been having more scenes, Shay and Sasha had gotten closer. Shay was more averse to not inviting Sasha, because she knew Sasha felt left out. Don't get Shay wrong, she knew the rest of the cast loved Sasha, but Sasha was very good at hiding her feelings, and they hadn't picked up on how she really felt.

"Yeah, I'm sure." Sasha sighed and left the set without another word, presumably headed back to her dressing room, Shay thought.

"Okay, so let's meet at 9pm, Troian send us all the address and lets have some fun! Woo!" Cheered Ashley.

"Bye." They all responded.

As Shay was walking back to her dressing room, she could not stop thinking about the small girl with blonde hair who she had come to care for in the past months. She decided she would check on her on her way, as Sasha's dressing room was only two doors away from her own.

Knock, knock


"Come in." Sasha replied hoarsely, Shay assumed it was due to the long hours they had been doing on set recently. She had no idea the other issues Sasha had been dealing with at home.

"Oh hey Shay, I'm just packing up some of my stuff that I'll need while we are away."

"Yeah, I should do the same, but I hate packing. Sammy will tell you that." Shay said, causing a slight chuckle to fall from Sasha's lips.

"I remember her saying."

"Are you alright?" Shay asked, careful to not sound too worried, leaning against the inside of the door frame.

"I'm okay, it's just sometimes I feel like I'm not one of you guys. You all hang out outside of work, and a lot of the time it's at bars or clubs and I'm not old enough to be there, which isn't your fault, I just sometimes feel a bit on the outside, you know?" Shay tilted her head offering a sympathetic smile to her younger friend.

"You know clubs aren't as fun as you think they are. They're loud and someone always spills their drink on your brand new outfit. I'd much rather go for dinner and talk about things that interest me like travelling, music and how to take the perfect selfie, obvs ha." At this point Sasha couldn't stifle her laughs, and she must admit that talking to Shay really brightened her mood.

"Thanks, Shay."

"Hey, anytime. Well, I should probably get going otherwise Sammy will be on my case." Shay said moving away from the doorframe.

"Have a good time tonight." 

"Wish you could come." Shay said longingly, looking directly into Sasha's cerulean eyes.

"I know, I'm the best."

"Well you just made that slightly easier." Shay laughed.

"Bye." Sasha smiled.

"Bye." And with that Shay shut the door behind her and carried on to her dressing room, feeling slightly better than she did before talking to Sasha.

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