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His eyes opened, his vision was blurry and he couldn't tell where he was. He heard foot steps approaching him, his heart raced and he was trying to escape the chair he was tied too. "Jimmy!" The Joker yelled. "Are it's time to wake up Jimmy!" The Joker laughs horrifically. The laugh sent chills down Jimmy's spine. The Joker splashed water into Jimmy's face. "Wake the fuck up!" The Joker yelled. "I..m im up" Jimmy said in a panicked voice. The Joker flickered with the lights for a couple of seconds and laughed in doing so. The Joker stopped flickering with the lights and turned then on completely. This gave Jimmy the opportunity to check his surroundings. He looked around the premises and realized he was in one of Gotham city's old shipping warehouses. He was surprised the building still had it's electricity. Jimmy looked at the Joker approaching him. The Joker pulled up a chair right in front of Jimmy. The Joker had looked at Jimmy. "Well.... you look beat up" The Joker laughed and almost fell over due to him laughing so hard. "I have a problem Jimmy, you wanna know what that problem is Jimmy" Jimmy looked into the Jokers eyes. He scared and the Joker new he was, the Joker got a kick out of it. "See the problem i have is... Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding you guessed it Jimmy.. it's you" Jimmy new what he had done. He was doing undercover work for the GCPD and was playing apart of the jokers little gang. That pissed the joker off. "So tell me Jimmy, what did Gordon tell ya.. hmm. Did Gordon tell ya that there will be consequences if you were to get caught" Jimmy's heart dropped. He couldn't imagine what punishments the joker was about to give him. "I have men at your house right know Jimmy" Jimmy started to rage out and cry. The joker laughed and said "ohhhhh poor Jimmy. Hows the wife and kids.. hmm" Tears ran down Jimmy's face. "But don't worry Jimmy my men are taking good care of them. But as for your punishment Little Jimmy" Jimmy hated being called that. He looked up and saw the head of a gun pointing straight at him. "Why the down face" Jimmy closed his eyes and waited for impact. "Uhhh Jimmy umm one more thing before i go, BANG!" It was trick gun. The joker left the room laughing and said "Have a nice cook out Little Jimmy" Jim heard a small ticking noise from the far right corner. He new what it was. Jimmy didn't care anymore, he didn't even try to escape the premises. He just let it happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2016 ⏰

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