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jo:hey zander

zander:she's gone


zander:remember the girl i told you about?


zander:all because of FUCKING KADEE

zander starts crying

jo:just tell me what to happened

zander:kadde came to my room and she kissed me and i was gonna sing a song with her for her birthday gift and she saw me and broke up with me

jo:it's ok

zander:she's my everything

jo:why don't you tell her

zander:she left she took a plane back home

zander grabs his ukulele and leaves

kendell:was that zander

jo:yeah he's having girl troubles

5 hours later

zander drives to stevie's house and climbs the window

zander:stevie listen

zander sees stevie crying and reading his journal


stevie:i read your journal

zander:i see

stevie:did you really mean all that?

zander:more then anything stevie your my everything i'd be an idiot to cheat on you i love you do you know that i crossed the the seas for 5 hours additional to the 2 hours i spent riding my bike here just to tell you this

zander gives stevie a ring that says always

zander:...and forever

stevie:zander i love you

zander:then be with me i know this is killing you as much as it is me

stevie:zander i kno---

zander kisses stevie and pins her to the wall

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