The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty six

Start from the beginning

     “Luca you can out, we mean you no harm.” He said, still looking over his shoulder.

I stayed where I was unsure as to whether this was a trap.

     “You can trust him Luca, come out I promise no one will hurt you.” Faith said slowly walking towards me.

I could tell by the sincerity in her eyes that she was telling the truth. I slowly stepped out from the bushes and slowly walked towards her stopping a few feet away from her.

     “How do I know this isn’t a trap?” I asked.

I knew it looked like she was telling the truth, but I couldn’t understand why Tristan and the others would go against Wyatt’s orders. I know he would have me killed if he knew I was out so this doesn’t make any sense. Unless something had happened that I don’t know about yet. If that is the case I knew it would have to be something big, something that would only anger me more.

     “Luca we’re on your side, we won’t him dead but we first need to deal with the hunters.” Tristan said as he joined Faith.

I could sense rage behind his calm exterior, something is definitely wrong. There is something that they are not telling me, I’m sure of it.

    “Where are the others?” Faith asked concern clear in her eyes.

     “Layla, Tyler and Lucia are going to attack the hunters from behind. Layla says that this is where they are weakest.” I replied.

     “How would she know, has she encountered them before?” Tristan asked.

     “You could say that. She was one of them.” I replied.

     “What?!” Tristan and Faith asked, shock and anger in their tone.

     “The Hunters have been capturing and training rogues for years. Layla know how they will plan to attack, they will send in their rogues in first to weaken us. Then when we distracted with them they will begin a second attack. She is hoping that she can even playing fields by decreasing their numbers. She knows the last thing they will expect is an attack form the rear.” I answered.

     “A clever move I must admit but can we trust her?” Tristan asked.

     “Yes, she wants nothing more than to destroy them. They committed unthinkable crimes against her and she wishes to disconnect herself from them completely. She tiered of being their pawn; she wants to start her life afresh.” I answered, knowing he still had his doubts.

I can understand why the others might be worried but they don’t know her like I do. They don’t know the things I know. Tristan was just about to speak when an unwelcomed scent filled the clearing. We all turned to the source, to be greeted by a sight that crushed me completely. Wyatt was on the rocks by the beach, an evil demented look in his eyes. What unsettled me even more was the sight of Mia. Her beautiful face was black and blue and covered in cuts, tears were streaming down her cheeks. He had one arm around her neck and the other around her waist, his hand rested on her stomach. He moved his hand slightly revealing his mark on her collar bone. I sniffed the air, making my blood boil more than ever. He hadn’t just marked her, he had mated her completely. Being an alpha his need to produce an heir is stronger; their mating would have resulted in the conception of a child. She would be carrying a child, his child. My body shook violently, that she be my child in her womb, she should be mine. My wolf was fighting me once more for control, clawing at my defences. A smirk appeared on his face as he watched my reaction. He was loving every moment of my pain; it’s the reaction he was hoping for. I growled at him furiously but when my eyes landed on her I stopped. She looked deep into my eyes and mouthed the words ‘I’m sorry’.

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