Chapter 1

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The namekaze released the information of Menma holding the kyuubi but they said that the demon Naruto holds was controlling the kyubi knowing that the villagers would target Naruto and not Menma if they said this even though it was not true they didn't care they had to protect their precious Menma from any danger they could

Time skip 4 years later

Naruto was running from a horde of villagers who were after him for a legibly controlling the kyuubi to attack and kill their family and friends.

Naruto was running as fast as he could wich was way faster then any 4 year old should have to especially on there birthday not like It would be celebrated by any thing other then and even more barbaric beating gifted Oh so graciously by the villagers.

It's been like this every day since he was 3 it was a merical he hadn't gone crazy yet but the villagers always tempted naruto to just stop fighting  the urge to let go and die,  but there was always a voice in his mind telling him not to accept his fate and to make his own fate needless to say naruto likes the voice who refuses to let naruto accept this fate
Naruto was ripped out of his thoughts when a kuni hit him in the leg just under the knee causing naruto to fall and scrape both his knees and palms and allow the now ninja and villager mob engulf naruto in storm of kicks punches and stabs that would kill any other persion when suddenly he was picked up and dragged to an ally only to be crucified to the ally wall with kuni in his hands and feet causing him to scream and have his mouth forcefully shut and sowen shut by ninja wire and then stabed with kuni and even in one case a crow bar was taken and driven through his gut and bent to the side to keep him still
And simultaneously sending naruto into his mindscape

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