"I'm so sorry, I was lost in my thoughts and I have a terrible habit of reading while walking," I excused myself. I heard a familiar voice chuckle as he bent to pick up the papers that had fallen from my hands. I looked down at the man clutching my files. He returned my gaze, and I knew those brown eyes anywhere.

"It's alright, one cannot often think straight and walk straight. It seems you've chosen the former." I smiled at his comment.

"Why yes it seems I have. What a pleasant surprise!"

"Hello, Evelyn," he exclaimed in his beautiful accent.

"As lovely as it is to see you, Ardeth, what brings you to my museum? Are we in some sort of predicament again?" I laughed, completely taken by his smile in return.

"No, you don't have to worry. When I saw you last you were happily working as a librarian, but now you are the new Curator?" Ardeth replied, I blushed at his memory of my field of work.

"Yes, after Dr. Bey's passing the owners reached out to see if I would fill the position." I cleared my throat feeling nervous about the situation. I smiled, pausing to see if I was speaking too much, as my sister says I'm apt to do.

"I believe, however, this will only be temporary." I told him with a slight disappointment in my voice. 

"I was in search of the new curator, as we have business to discuss. I am pleased to see you are whom I must speak with," Ardeth declared with a sense of determination.

"I wish I had the time to chat with you, how long has it been since..." I trailed off, finally remembering the scattered papers surrounding us. If only the librarian that replaced me was more experienced, because even if I finish the museum accounting record from this month... I sighed heavily.

"I'll still need help cataloging the new Hatshepsut collection into the records, which is honestly just a mess. My private research is completely on hold right now as well, because you see I was beginning to pin down the location of the... Oh my." My cheeks reddened as I realized I had vocalized those last few complaints.

"I'm so sorry, you didn't travel all this way for me to blather on like this. Would we be able to talk tomorrow perhaps?" I asked him hopefully. 

"Of course, I am sure we will meet soon." He handed the papers back to me and with one last smile he walked off to go on with his day. I wandered back to my office, thinking about all the possible things Ardeth could be doing. I caught myself at least four different times daydreaming and before I knew it, the clock read 7:30. I'd gotten no more work done since my run in with Ardeth. My eyes scanned the pages in front of me, knowing I wouldn't retain any of the information they held. With a sigh I blew out the candelabra and grabbed my keys and coat. I walked towards the door, knowing that locking up the museum would be my only true accomplishment of this unproductive and horrid day. Just as I was locking up the front door I heard some strange noises coming from behind me. I whipped around to see Ardeth standing there with a camel on either side of him.

"I remember you enjoy the company of these creatures, and was hoping you would join me on a ride around the city. We have much to discuss." He seems more solemn than earlier, puzzling me. I had assumed he wanted to discuss the former curator, but the intensity of Ardeth's gaze pushed that thought from my mind. Walking towards the camels, I remembered the last time I had seen Ardeth:

After the excitement following the events in Hamunaptra, I stepped away from my siblings and Rick to bid Ardeth farewell. He was in a sore shape; his right arm was bandaged haphazardly and scratches peppered his face along with an expression of exhaustion. I approached him timidly, not quite sure how to begin wishing him goodbye. Perhaps it was wishful thinking, but I believe he brightened when he spotted me walking towards him. Ardeth dismounted, his camel groaning from the movement. There were so many things I wished to say, but my mind refused to settle down, so instead I reached out and took his hand.

"Your bindings are slipping," I whispered. Ardeth just chuckled. "It's hard to do all by myself, especially when I am right handed." I smiled up at him, "Well I'll fix you right up." I almost questioned my own confidence. How could just touching his hand have this effect on me? I need to get a hold of myself.

I heard Ardeth clear his throat, it snapped me out of my daze. He was still awaiting my answer.

"Evelyn...?" He asked me, worry filling his eyes. He reached out carefully brushing my arm.

"Sorry, yes, I was just reminiscing. That's a wonderful idea. It's just what I need to end my day." I smiled at him walking towards him and the camels. He mounted swiftly while looking at me, concern lingering in his eyes.

"I assume you do not need my assistance." Hmpf. Of course I don't. I quickly hopped on my camel, hearing its slight groan from the weight change. Ardeth clucked and his camel began walking off, mine following in tow with his. Peacefulness washed over me from enjoyment of the ride and Ardeth's closeness.

Ardeth's WeaknessWhere stories live. Discover now