Fukoku: how boring.

Lo: she must be kawaii like yomi.

Yomi: meiko... usagi-chan... did you bring... maybe...

Meiko: yomi...

" I did." Hiyori passes it to Yomi. Yomi takes it and hugs it " arigato..."

Fukoku: with that look. Looks like this will take long.

Reina: any target?

Yomi: like you care.

Hiyori: .... meiko.

Meiko: scared of this new Yomi?

Hiyori: I... feel a little out.

Meiko: I wouldn't blame you. That's the past yomi. The yomi we knew before you knew. The honest true yomi.

Hiyori: .... true yomi. And I thought I already knew everything there is to about her.

Fukoku laughs " baka. And you call yourself her exemplary."

Reina: that's not fair.

Hiyori: everyone...

Lo: you want to know the true yomi?

Hiyori: hai.

Lo: she doesn't take no for an answer. Her orders are our tasks. Or at least... we enjoyed her tasks. We never found a reason not to do it.

Hiyori: she's... cold?

Reina: no. She was like now. How she is with you guys. A smile on her face. But what is different was, she never hid things from us.

Fukoku: it was fun teasing her. She's quite a baka.

Reina: she had no hesitations in cutting down anything. But one thing never changed it seems.

Hiyori: which is?

Meiko: still doing things to make people happy. Except she's eating herself to keep that up.

Hiyori: .... so... because of us... she cannot be herself?

Fukoku: if you would see the smile on her face. That laughter she has when she could do anything with us  I bet she's much happier with us. That's why... that's why I told her to abandon those who made her restricted.

Reina: yato came and things didn't change. But... people like you. Like Sho. Came.

Hiyori: gomen... it's just... those things she did...

Fukoku: baka!! gods don't need to be judged!! Yomi should just do what makes her happy.

Hiyori: but that's wrong!! If it's wrong!!

Lo: what are you saying? Little dumb dumb. Our yomi is never wrong.

Hiyori: that... that...

Meiko: welcome to our team. Though you're the odd one out.

Reina: exemplary... I feel that you're not something good for yomi

Hiyori: reina...

Reina: like sho. You'll make herself eat herself. Like sho. I shouldn't have left.

Hiyori: gomen. It's just... there are things that shouldn't be done.

Reina: harming yomi isn't a thing to be done. That sho. Telling yomi what's will make people sad or whatnot. Those things aren't to be decided by him.

Hiyori: how come you know? I thought... you left.

Reina: we all died. Our spirit was kept by yomi. We all didn't think we deserve to move on. But again what can you be , as a spirit in this world. Yomi took us in. She cut our ayakashi corrupted parts away and gave us her human spirit parts. We get her memories from time to time. Each of us differently.

Hiyori: didn't think ... deserve to move on? Why?

Reina: we all killed people. Fukoku, meiko, me are assassins. Only lo, he is a murderer. Slowly searching for spirits like us to make into what I think are her perfect shinki. Her perfect family.

Hiyori: then why leave?

Reina: I said it didn't I? People like sho make her eat herself . Just a straying spirit. Not even a shinki. She actually thought she was doing wrong by cutting.

Hiyori: people will cry over dead people. Those dead people were once close to someone else.

Reina: so yoni doesn't deserve her happiness?

Hiyori: that's not...

Reina: she took sho in. And all of us hated how he made Yomi feel. So we left. Only meiko stayed. Luckily, that sho left and yato came. Everything was right again...

Hiyori: sho didn't look like he knew you guys.

Reina: Of course he didn't. We couldn't change our yomi. So we left before she took in sho.  Sho is a bad apple.

Lo: Reina.

Reina pulls her hood " hai?"

Lo: don't scare her. Don't worry ok~~ Reina won't do anything to you. She'll be destroyed if she does so. *Smiles*

Hiyori: eh?

Lo: nothing. Don't worry.

Fukoku: That is a rule for her shinkis. Since we're quite bloody. We used to get on each other nerves. Shinkis aren't allowed to kill one another.

Lo: don't scare her!! Daijobu.

Reina: bad apple. You're not judged as a bad apple yet.

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